All Clinical news (NICE, NSFs) articles – Page 16
Little potential for drugs waste
Primary care trusts have been warned relatively little savings can be made by cutting medicines waste.
GP incentive framework fails to slow admissions
The £1bn quality and outcomes framework has failed to halt the rise in hospital admissions of people with long term conditions and needs to be overhauled, a think tank has claimed.
Wasted prescriptions cost £300m
Unused prescription medicines cost the NHS at least £300 million a year, figures show.
Our lives are in the cancer detectives’ hands
Helping GPs to hone their skill at identifying cancer early will go a long way to improving survival rates
NHS cancer spending queried by National Audit Office
Huge variability in regional cancer spending suggests worrying inefficiency, the National Audit Office has warned.
HSJ Knowledge
Pharmacy regulation
The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), the new independent regulator for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises, launched on 27 September 2010. The establishment of the GPhC will lead to changes to the way in which the profession is regulated.
Lancashire PCTs to review funding for 70 procedures
PCTs in Lancashire have become the latest to consider restricting NHS funding of a range of procedures to save money.
The national public health service
What will the new national public health service look like?
Local NHS pay negotiations: beware raiders of the lost cause
We have too much to lose as patients and taxpayers to repeat the 1990s’ flirtation with local pay negotiations.
The NHS needs to re-invent itself to cope with funding cuts
The NHS’s funding increase is actually a 0.5 per cent cut - efficiency savings of 4-5 per cent will have to be found.
Pledge to cut anti-psychotic drug use
A cut in the use of anti-psychotic drugs for patients with dementia is among a number of pledges put forward by a new coalition of 44 organisations.
Eating disorders in children rise by 11%
The number of children admitted to hospital due to eating disorders has risen by 11% in the past year, according to the NHS.
Blog outlines Ed Miliband's views on NHS targets and PFI hospitals
Labour’s new leader Ed Miliband likes targets and private finance initiative hospitals, and doesn’t like the switch to GP commissioning consortia, the Health Policy Insight website reported.
NHS London revives Queen Mary's Sidcup closure plans amid patient safety concerns
NHS London has recommended “temporarily” closing the accident and emergency and maternity units at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup.
A missed opportunity to improve care for long-term conditions
Senior fellow at The King’s Fund Nick Goodwin on on the role of GPs in managing long-term conditions.
Why many hands make IT work
New Zealand’s shared learning model offers lessons on implementing the electronic patient record system
Bacteria linked to sink misuse
The Department of Health has set up a working group to look at the safety of hospital taps following reports of antibiotic resistant infections tracked to bacteria found in wash basins.
Chris J Hawkey: A new opening for transparency
Clinicians must put away self-interest if they are to earn the new powers set out in the white paper
HSJ Knowledge
Local quit smoking campaign
Effective engagement of stakeholders, partner organisations and the local media will pay dividends.
Hospital ward closed after fatal streptococcus outbreak
A Drumchapel Hospital ward has been closed following a Group A streptococcal bacterial outbreak that claimed the life of an elderly patient, a health board has revealed.