Comment archive – Page 372

  • Cally Bann

    Cally Bann on fiddling expenses


    A spotty-faced cub reporter at the Battersley Evening Bugle has put in a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a detailed breakdown of all board expenses claimed in the past 24 months.

  • Cash Machine

    Ali Parsa on the meaning of value


    With the squeeze on health funding getting tighter, commissioners must spend less. But bargain hunters beware - low cost services do not necessarily offer good value

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: Alan Johnson does his own PR


    The weekend before last, The Independent ran an interview with Alan Johnson in which, in answer to a question about whether politicians would ever be trusted again, the health secretary said the political system needed a complete “overhaul” and called for voters to be consulted on proportional representation.

  • White Michael smiles

    Michael White on the patient-consumer parallel


    It is always good to hear the NHS’s top brass trumpeting the service’s virtues, as NHS chief executive David Nicholson did when launching his third annual report. At least his list of modest triumphs serves to counteract some of the negativity generated by more regular reports of NHS failures in ...

  • Neil Goodwin

    Neil Goodwin on NHS boardroom relationships


    In the recent flurry of NHS chief executive departures, little has been mentioned or heard about the possible impact on wider NHS board membership.

  • Prof Hilary Thomas

    Hilary Thomas on treating lymphoedema in the community


    One of the most heart sinking conditions an oncologist encounters during his or her career is lymphoedema. I use the term “heart sinking” with some embarrassment but, if I am really honest, this is one of those afflictions that made me feel powerless as a clinician.

  • Peat David

    David Peat on embracing NHS change


    Attitudes to the idea of change have always fascinated me. And I suppose I’m revisiting the concept since I’m on the verge of changing my own role in the NHS by moving on to take up a new post at strategic health authority level.

  • Older woman

    Developing an integrated falls prevention service


    Falls-related injuries are the leading cause of death due to accident in older people. Sue Poulton explains how to develop an integrated falls prevention and bone health service to reduce the risk of falls

  • Town scene with people   South Tyneside

    David Furness: Keep local people in on the act


    The Budget has set the scene for a grim period in NHS finances, so accountability to the public must play an even greater role, not least in relation to local commissioning

  • Michael White

    Michael White: a search for good news in the NHS


    With the expenses scandal delivering the most humiliating week for Westminster politics that I can remember in 30 years this column is committed to finding something more cheerful to write about MPs today.

  • Richard Vize

    Ben Bradshaw hunts down scandal-hit NHS chiefs


    The Department of Health has scented blood over blocking pay-offs for chief executives quitting in the wake of a scandal.

  • Richard Vize

    NHS should not be out of pocket when doctors trouser extra cash


    HSJ’s revelation that the NHS is spending in the region of £2m a year subsidising private patients raises serious questions about how some trusts manage them.

  • Patient in hospital

    Sophia Christie on NHS crisis and opportunity


    An emerging policy consensus looks to innovation to save the NHS. The context is an emerging “perfect storm” of financial crisis, global warming, obesity, longer lives with greater dependency and fewer working age people to pay taxes.

  • Comment

    Andrew Craggs on safe thinking


    Imagine a patient who falls in a pothole on his way to a clinic on the main footpath. He sustains severe head injuries and subsequently dies.

  • Corrigan Paul 2

    Paul Corrigan: Darwin's theory on the NHS


    The greatest truth in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is that to survive in a rapidly changing environment, species must adapt. And for a species to be adaptable it needs to love diversity.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: expenses and NHS prescriptions for sunshine


    With MPs’ expenses dominating the news this week, there was less room than usual for NHS manager bashing, miracle cures or the rest of the usual health-related fare.

  • Nicky Spencer

    Nicky Spencer on the three dimensions of workload management


    Overwhelmed by your workload? Need to increase capacity at work, career potential, confidence?

  • generic depression isolated

    Mike Hobbs: fear, alcohol and government policy


    Mental health action week was naturally a time for ministerial statements and topical third sector reports on key mental health issues. Inevitably, some referred to the present economic context. Prominent government initiatives appear to be contradictory, but are they?

  • Comment

    Media Watch: the MP expenses claim swingometer


    “Greedy, petty, shameless… and we haven’t had the Tories yet!” was how The Independent on Sunday heralded The Telegraph’s ongoing exclusive on MPs’ expenses.

  • European working time directive

    No time for complacency on European working time directive


    NHS organisations have to be compliant with the European working time directive by 1 August and only a tiny minority can reasonably expect any exception to the rules