Comment archive – Page 38

  • Image(3)
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: Invisible barriers


    HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.

  • David Gilbert

    Humanising healthcare for real


    We know that change won’t come through traditional patient and public engagement, patient experience work or ‘better listening’, writes David Gilbert

  • lawrence dunhill 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Accountants take back control


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    Top holiday gift ideas for NHS leaders


    It’s the thought that counts, but if you can’t be bothered to give present buying any, here’s a list of Christmas gift ideas for the special measures person in your life. Selected by Julian Patterson

  • Mark Radford 3x2

    Hope from tragedy: time to prioritise those with learning disability and autism


    The HEE expect some employers will choose to employ trainers and deliver new learning disability and autism training packages themselves, while others will find it advantageous to collaborate with other organisations, writes Mark Radford

  • community services care worker elderly woman patient

    Connecting NHS and care home leaders


    The ninth and last in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. The authors describe a leadership support programme for care home leaders and, from there, to explore stronger integration between care homes and the ...

  • David Pearson 3x2

    Social care providers must have a say in ICS decisions


    The eighth first in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. ICSs provide a significant opportunity to do things differently and overcome some of those historical challenges by bringing together key partners to develop and ...

  • Dave West
    Expert Briefing

    The Integrator: Freedom, or nothing left to lose


    Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.

  • Dan_Hayes_final_HR

    A day in the life of a social care CEO


    The sixth in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. We get a glimpse into a day in the life of CEO Dan Hayes as he runs through an average day on the job which ...

  • Adam Hunt 3x2

    There is no shared vision for social care data


    The seventh in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. Adam Hunt, digital transformation lead at the National Care Forum shares his thoughts on how access to the right information can transform the health and ...

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Ambulance strike is hospitals' nightmare before Christmas


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by HSJ bureau chief Ben Clover.

  • Research

    'Trusted' NHS must bring R&D benefits to the disadvantaged


    Realignment of R&D investment could generate a better return on R&D investment to UK plc by improving access to innovative medicines, reducing variations in health outcomes, reengaging people with the labour market, and improving healthy life expectancy, write Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard and James O’Shaughnessy.

  • Dr Nichola Stefanou 3x2

    NHS and social care need to learn from each other


    The fifth in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. Former NHS manager Nichola Stefanou shares three main takeaway lessons from her experience of working across both health and social care

  • Andrew Johnston Photo

    NHS leadership should be the role model for social care


    The fourth in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. The gulf between healthcare and social care is exemplified by the fact that social care is devolved to councils to administer says author Andrew Johnston

  • Nick Carding 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Download: How virtual outpatients saves lives


    The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. Written by senior correspondent Nick Carding. Contact me in confidence here.

  • Deborah Sturdy

    Social care staff must provide more healthcare


    The third in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. Chief nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy, examines delegated healthcare in a post-pandemic world

  • social care

    How to work with care providers to improve hospital discharge


    The second in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. Here’s a list of things to help social care providers step up and create a dependable discharge process that has people, not systems, at its ...

  • David Gilbert
    Expert Briefing

    ImPatient: Patient leadership, not partnership, is what the NHS needs


    Patient (Lived Experience) Leadership is about those affected by life-changing illness, injury or disability who want to influence change through being equal partners in decision-making. In this new monthly ‘expert briefing’, patient leadership champion David Gilbert picks out the most significant developments in a field of increasing relevance to the ...

  • Vic Rayner OBE 3x2

    ICSs should prioritise not for profit social care


    The first in a series of articles commissioned by HSJ from the National Care Forum to explore the most pressing issues in the care sector. Professor Rayner, a regular national and international speaker, shares her thoughts on why social care should be for people, not for profit

  • Social care

    Improving the NHS’s relationship with the care sector


    If there is one truth that all NHS leaders have come to understand during the last few years, it is that the service’s fate is irrevocably linked with that of the care sector.