Comment archive – Page 383

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    Michael White on the NHS in recession


    A rough old trade is politics, as most MPs can confirm. All the same, I felt a bit sorry for Andrew Lansley the other week when he was beaten up for saying 'on many counts recession can be good for us'.

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    Improving patient safety: advice for NHS boards


    Institute for Healthcare Improvement president and chief executive Donald Berwick talks to Stockport foundation trust chair Robina Shah about the role of NHS boards in improving patient safety and quality of care

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    A future for general practice


    Issues such as GP extended hours (where clumsy government handling of the issue and stubborn BMA behaviour pushed the issue to the wire) and the procurement of GP-led health centres (GPLHCs) encapsulate the tensions from which GP services will be shaped in the next 10 years.

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    Ken Jarrold on Barack Obama the manager


    For students of leadership and management, these are interesting times. Two very different people, in very different worlds, have been teaching those open to learning.

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    David Lee on the prison mental health dilemma


    Not only do mental health trusts work with some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, it sometimes falls to us to support unfashionable causes too.

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    Neil Goodwin on coping with recession in the NHS


    Recession. It's what everyone is talking about and it will affect you at some point. The boom years are now drawing to a close and public sector budgets are about to see their biggest squeeze in more than a decade.

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    David Woodhead on an NHS revolution


    'All that is solid', wrote Marx in 1848, 'melts into air'. He was reflecting on what happens when the certainties that give our life structure and meaning are inverted.

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    Baby P: beware the mob gathering outside your gates


    Anyone working in the health service should fear the implications of the public baying for the blood of social workers and health staff in the wake of the death of Baby P.

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    Noel Plumridge on commissioning for quality and innovation


    We now know the 'road test' phase of tariff setting for the English NHS begins on 8 December, when the draft tariff for 2009-10 will at last be published.

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    Media Watch: Andrew Lansley's recession comments


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley does not make headlines that often, but this week he had no shortage of coverage after he wrote on an official Conservative party website that recession 'can be good for us' because people tend to smoke and booze less, eat less rich food and spend ...

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    Michael White on the public sector workforce


    'Welcome to Soviet Britain,' the Daily Mail's headline roared this week. What on earth is the scourge of the NHS complaining about this time? I murmured, flinching over my first cuppa of the day.

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    Simon Jones on improving the NHS


    This will be my last piece for After 20 years serving on health authorities and trust boards, I am leaving for pastures new.

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    Lisa Rodrigues on achieving NHS equality


    This year, 5 November was a very special day. The world woke up to find that the people of the United States had voted for the best presidential candidate, who also just happened to be black.

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    David Amos on developing the NHS workforce


    Into media coverage dominated by world events has crept something intriguing about bees. Scientists at Queensland University have used nectar-drenched markers in a tunnel to show that the insects can count up to four.

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    Lesley Wright on lean thinking and respecting NHS staff


    Managers and clinical staff interested in lean healthcare often stall at the same point: 'We want to adopt lean thinking but want to call it something else. 'Lean' is hard to sell to our staff.'

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    Angela Greatley on help for released prisoners


    Every year, more than 80,000 people end prison sentences in the UK. Most have a complex mix of mental health problems alongside drug or alcohol addictions and a myriad of other difficulties to face.

  • Leader

    Drive down NHS costs, raise quality: just a normal day at the office


    While Alistair Darling's speech in the Commons on Monday barely mentioned the NHS, the small print of the chancellor's pre-Budget report spells the end of the era of rapid funding growth and big surpluses.

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    Your Humble Servant: clinician questions


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: How hard can it be?

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    Media Watch: public sector salaries


    Another day, another sackload of filthy dollars for the bloated plutocrats who make up the public sector workforce, according to The Daily Telegraph.

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    Frank Atherton on the financial crisis and public health


    The health and well-being of communities and individuals in the UK will not be immune from the effects of the evolving economic downturn in which we are now enmeshed.