Comment archive – Page 385

  • Leader

    Clawback puts financial safety net to the test


    A fortnight ago HSJ revealed the Treasury was eyeing up NHS surpluses. This week we tell you how much will be clawed back.

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    Michael White on NHS bad news


    Some politicians suspected Alan Johnson deliberately chose to make his announcement on top-ups on the same day as Barack Obama's election to the US presidency in the hope that he could 'bury bad news.'

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    Sir Ian Kennedy on the future of the annual health check


    The Act of Parliament that established the Healthcare Commission required us to assess on an annual basis the performance of every NHS organisation, taking account of the standards issued by the Department of Health. Out of this requirement grew the annual health check.

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    John Coulthard on delivering Darzi


    At our annual NHS summit this year, we looked at the challenges facing chief information officers and clinicians in delivering Lord Darzi's vision for the NHS.

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    Norman Niven on wasted medicine


    The more I read about the NHS's troubles, the more I wonder whether dramatic headlines about bed shortages, waiting lists and superbugs serve to obscure a problem that is far less attention grabbing but potentially more damaging to UK healthcare.

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    Mike Hobbs on clinical leadership and mental health


    Mental health strategy has historically been seen as separate from mainstream health strategy and planning.

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    David Peat on lean times for the NHS


    Without sounding overly biblical, but with the credit crunch in mind, is the NHS facing lean times after years of fat expenditure?

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    Jenny Rogers on enoughism


    It is probably a bit eccentric, but I began a recent holiday by spending three days with a modest and talented genius called Chris Wing, who comes and sorts out your messy home.

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    David Lee on delayed transfers of care


    If you have mentioned delayed transfers of care in an unguarded manner to a mental health foundation trust director recently, you might have been struck by a sudden and sharp temperature drop in the room.

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    Taiwo Ajayi on electronic health records


    Ten years after plans were first laid for electronic healthcare records in the NHS, a clinician explores how the technology has changed the service

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    Naomi Chambers on NHS boards and organisational performance


    As the Healthcare Commission's annual health check comes to a close, after congratulatory notes are received, press releases carefully crafted, protests lodged, or wounds licked in private, how often do boards ask themselves: what part have we played in our organisation's performance this year?

  • Leader

    NHS's irrational pay constraints are derailing the drive for quality


    There is one aspect of competition the Department of Health has yet to grasp - the competition for management talent.

  • Leader

    Ethnic minority board quotas are off target


    HSJ's nationwide survey on the experiences of black and minority ethnic staff in the NHS shows the service has a long way to go to make its worthy platitudes on equality and diversity a reality.

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    Media Watch: food terror


    We're all doomed. From the day our mothers sipped their third cup of coffee while pregnant (Daily Mail) to the time we ignored the best before date on that pate at the back of the fridge (The Observer) to the decision to ditch the bran flakes for one of those ...

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    Michael White on IT in the NHS


    You were probably far too busy to notice Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg urging Gordon Brown the other day to 'distinguish between good public spending and bad public spending… By not wasting £13bn on an NHS computer system that doesn't work'.

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    Sophia Christie on the NHS and the credit crunch


    We seem to be officially heading into recession. Even if it is shallow and short, this will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable.

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    Charles Kaye and Michael Howlett on mental health in the slow lane


    A number of high-profile news items about mental health have hit the headlines recently.

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    Achieving 18 weeks: engaging with NHS managers and clinicians


    As the NHS hits the government's 18-week referral to treatment target early, national implementation director Philippa Robinson, a trained nurse, explains the important role clinical leadership has played in the achievement

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    Hilary Thomas on NHS top-ups


    I approach the subject of NHS top-ups with some trepidation. The issue is complex and there are no easy answers. Considering it from the cancer perspective, I will attempt to throw light into some dark corners of the debate.

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    Stephen Ramsden on patient safety's missing link


    I remain vexed by the question ‘how can we engage junior doctors in patient safety?’