Comment archive – Page 389

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    Frank Burns on improving the patient experience


    At the heart of Lord Darzi's next stage review is a commitment to deliver a step change in the quality of service provided to patients.

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    Peter Reader on medical revalidation


    As a GP, it seems to me that I have been waiting for a significant chunk of my active medical career for revalidation to finally happen, and I am not that fresh off the starting blocks.

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    Ken Jarrold on public sector economics


    The clouds of economic doom have gathered. When a sober chancellor tells you it is the worst situation for 60 years, it is time to take notice.

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    Richard Gleave on healthcare innovation


    Innovation is one of the nine themes identified by High Quality Care for All that run through the regional visions of how to improve health and healthcare in England.

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    David Peat on the NHS learning curve


    You know how you sometimes tend to look at long-past events through rose-tinted glasses, perhaps foolishly allowing yourself to think everything was somehow better 'back in the good old days'?

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    The future of patient and public involvement


    Lord Darzi's review and the new local involvement networks have pushed public engagement to the top of the health policy agenda. Robina Shah speaks to national patient and public affairs director Joan Saddler about her plans for increasing public involvement

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    Naomi Chambers on health and education


    With all the emphasis on world class commissioning, it is important to remember that primary care trust boards are tasked with improving the health of the population they serve, not just with the delivery of healthcare.

  • Leader

    Time to get facts straight on NHS failure rates


    Following HSJ's revelation last week that the Department of Health is projecting 2.1 per cent of trusts will fail each year for the next 20 years, we have been accused of misrepresenting policy.

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    DH faces turmoil over tariff regime


    Is there going to be tariff turmoil for the second time in three years?

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    Media Watch: NHS complaints


    First they complained about the service, now they are complaining about the complaints system.

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    Michael White on the global financial crisis


    By the time you read this, Labour's 2008 party conference in Manchester will be over and Gordon Brown will still be prime minister, despite whatever has happened or not in the interval.

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    Noel Plumridge on a family's care crisis


    On Friday morning, Mum was readmitted to hospital. She is 85 years old and vulnerable to infections, with a provisional diagnosis of leukaemia.

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    Nicky Jonas on NHS volunteers abroad


    Volunteering offers stressed-out NHS managers the chance to make a difference in the developing world and learn valuable new skills that can give them an edge when they return home.

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    John Coakley on the quest for medical leadership


    There seems to be an increasing demand for clinical, and in particular medical, leadership. Lord Darzi's next stage review recommendations and the reviews of healthcare being conducted across strategic health authorities will not work without it.

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    Stephen Ramsden on harm to patients


    Why is there no public outcry about the harm we cause patients in hospital? Or about the avoidable deaths that happen week in, week out?

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    Jeremy Porteus on NHS networking


    It was during the shoulder-padded, champers-quaffing decade of excess known as the 1980s that the term 'networking' became popular.

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    Hilary Thomas on caring for the whole patient


    My 75-year-old father has recently had a coronary angiogram and been referred for bypass graft surgery. When I was a cardiology senior house officer in the Jurassic period, he would never have been referred for such surgery at this age.

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    Paul Dutton on failing NHS foundation trusts


    The Department of Health this month issued a consultation paper that rules out insolvency for hospital trusts that are failing financially, a move that risks undermining the original concept of what foundation trusts were meant to be and achieve.

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    Sandy Watson on bringing young people to the NHS table


    Any talk of engaging with the community and involving patients in shaping healthcare cannot ignore the needs and influence of its youngest citizens.

  • Leader

    Lib Dems take a cheap shot at managers


    Any public sector manager thinking of voting for the Liberal Democrats at the next election might wish to reconsider after the ill-judged rant by Treasury spokesman Vince Cable at the party conference.