Comment archive – Page 401

  • Leader

    Post-operative care: help patients on the road to recovery


    The Healthcare Commission's survey of inpatients' experiences, published today, reveals a need for more management focus on the part of the hospital journey that is often neglected - what happens after the operation.

  • Leader

    Darzi review: SHAs must not take over role of centraliser


    The wraps are finally coming off - region by region, details are emerging of what the review spearheaded by Lord Darzi will mean for patients and the balance of power in the NHS.

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    Michael White on Darzi's plans


    How hard it is to get your message across when opinion turns against you, let alone when Prezza, Cherie and Lord Levy are all trying to sell books, as the government has been demonstrating this past week.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on customer service


    It may not have escaped your notice that I have moved on from King's College Hospital foundation trust to a new role at University Hospitals of Leicester trust.

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    Media Watch: Darzi shake-up


    Managers must brace themselves as junior minister Lord Darzi's shake-up is unveiled. 'Ministers are preparing for a summer of protest as residents campaign against proposals that could mean local hospitals losing specialist services to large regional centres,' reported The Daily Telegraph.

  • Comment

    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review,May 21 1948On hospitals in the new national health service: “Up to now there has been, perhaps, a tendency for those concerned with the development of the national hospital service to think of it too much as consisting of more or less ...

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    Awards previews


    Clinical Service Redesign sponsored by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement"We had bottlenecks for almost everything we were trying to provide as a service," says Dr Jon Sussman, consultant neurologist at the Greater Manchester Neuroscience centre, Salford Royal Foundation trust. "Essentially we improved things by teaming up with Salford ...

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    Ronny Flynn on long-term illness and poverty


    A review of long-term illness, poverty and ethnicity recently published by the Race Equality Foundation identifies the complex, disruptive effects of illness on families and raises a number of concerns.

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    Ken Jarrold on the staff survey


    The Healthcare Commission will leave a rich legacy, including the remarkable and powerful staff surveys that have given the people of the NHS a voice to which we should listen.

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    David Peat on promoting healthy lifestyles


    We all know we should eat less, exercise more, stop smoking and drink less alcohol. But we all ask: where is the fun in that?

  • Leader

    Independent sector sceptics must be won over


    This week's interview with Channing Wheeler, commercial director general at the Department of Health, highlights the complexity of the relationship between the NHS and the independent sector.

  • Leader

    Darzi review kicks central control out of the frame


    Tomorrow junior health minister Lord Darzi releases another part of his next stage review. It demonstrates some deft political footwork.

  • Comment

    Awards preview


    Mental Health Innovation sponsored by Mental Health Strategies"We entered the HSJ awards because we thought it was a good chance to showcase something innovative and different," says Paul Sheffield, service manager with the winning team behind Oxfordshire’s integrated primary children’s mental health service.What Mr Sheffield and his colleagues might not ...

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    Simon Stevens on value for money in the NHS


    What is the biggest black box in the NHS? By which I mean, where is the worst ratio of cash to clarity about what taxpayers are getting for their money?

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    Ros Levenson on recruiting non-executives


    After 10 years as a non-executive director of my local NHS trust, including six years as deputy chair, I felt tuned-in to what local people wanted from their hospital. But looking back on the experience, it is interesting to reflect that if I were applying now, rather than a decade ...

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant on getting to grips with nurses


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRE: Go with the Flo

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    Michael White on NICE decisions


    Did you hear Ian Gibson, left wing MP for Norwich North, giving Gordon Brown a piece of his mind in the wake of Labour's disastrous performance in the local elections?

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    Aleix Bacardit on palliative care and place of death


    The publication of the cancer reform strategy is a sign of the government's commitment to developing world class cancer services, but questions remain over using place of death to inform management decisions.

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    A Royal All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, May 14 1948Princess Elizabeth, opening [an] exhibition which marks the centenary of the passing of the first Public Health Act, said that a century of steady progress, due to wise Acts of Parliament, to the increase of knowledge and to public enlightenment, ...

  • Comment

    This week's lookey likey


    Readers may recall that End Game is a big fan of '80s pop references appearing on this page and here is another one for you. We think that acting joint director of NHS Employers Sian Thomas and Toyah Wilcox look rather alike (without the need for Sian to have plastic ...