Comment archive – Page 403

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    Media Watch: polyclinic row


    The polyclinic row stepped up a gear this week as the Tories launched a 'campaign to save the family doctor', warning more than 1,700 GP surgeries could close.

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    Jo Davis on leading a foundation trust board


    As chair of Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust, I had a unique role in our bid for FT status. It was my job to develop the board and guide it through the rigorous application process.

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    Michael White on disease politics


    I was reading a book about politicians and their illnesses when news broke that John Prescott has suffered from bulimia, what some newspapers were unkind enough to call a girl's illness.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on acute trust challenges


    The financial year just gone has not been the easiest for acute services, with tough targets, population changes and possible structural shifts all putting pressure on trusts.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, 30 April 1948From a study of old age, carried out by the Nuffield Foundation Survey Committee on people in Wolverhampton."In the great majority of instances the old people enjoy their food and eat ordinary food. Among women, however, a larger proportion ...

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    Another coat of arms suggestion for Sir Robert Naylor


    David Poynton, chair of consultancy Public Sector Consultants (formerly Robert's finance director at Heartlands trust for 10 years - we are still on speaking terms, he says) writes to suggest a coat of arms for Robert Naylor (End Game, passim). He explains it thus: "The heraldic meaning is as follows; ...

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    'Lunatic' goings-on in Welsh government


    From our kind friends on the news desk comes the following intriguing tale of a Conservative MP who seems to have developed the power of second sight.First minister ofWales, Labour’s Rhodri Morgan launched a stinging attack against a Conservative assembly member for his “farcical” and “lunatic” attempt to discredit the ...

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    Awards preview


    Managing long term care sponsored by Sanofi AventisThe growing number of community matrons working across and covering just about every GP practice in the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care trust patch – there are now 39 – is just one indicator of the success of the county’s ...

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    Bedside manna - a new ethos of care


    Martin Winbolt-Lewis advocates moving away from mechanistic approaches to patient care and embracing an empathetic, holistic approach to caring for people who are ill or injured

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    Deep clean - a patient's view


    What did service users make of the government's deep-clean initiative? We asked one woman to tell us what happened when the cleaners arrived on her ward

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    Raj Persaud on the art of seduction


    Giacomo Casanova is perhaps the most famous seducer in history who, it is said, lured well over 100 women into bed. Although this Italian-born libertine lived several centuries ago, his techniques of seduction could hold a valuable lesson for the NHS.

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    Helen Bevan on workload liberation


    Over the last decade, I have made many attempts (some documented in this column) to improve my personal work systems and processes but struggled to sustain them under the burden of a growing workload.

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    Andrew Jones on the next big shift in healthcare


    I often wonder what will drive the next quantum shift in healthcare. If we ran a poll today, world class commissioning or the Darzi review would probably top the list. These ideas are fine, but it seems to me that they represent an incremental nudge rather than a quantum shift.

  • Leader

    Fines could turn access screw - if they do not scare off GPs


    The plans being discussed by junior health minister Lord Darzi to effectively fine GPs when patients inappropriately use walk-in centres, accident and emergency departments and minor injury units, illuminate some of the darker corners of primary care policy.

  • Leader

    Introducing Board Talk, the new voice for non-execs


    Today HSJ is launching Board Talk, a free service on for trust non-executive directors.

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    Sophia Christie on tackling the digital divide


    Economic growth is increasingly driven by the skill of the local workforce and more specifically confidence and competence in using digital technologies.

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    Media Watch: health service jargon


    Most would agree health service jargon is a pain but it appears it can also be dangerous.

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    Michael White on audit culture


    Reading the high-minded Times Literary Supplement on a comfortable sofa the other weekend, I stumbled on a ferocious attack on the audit culture that is now so much a routine feature of national life, NHS included.

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    Is your trust tackling inequalities?


    Is your trust making real progress in overcoming health inequalities? Read Robina Shah's commentary and join the discussion by posting your thoughts below

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    Simon Jones with news from the NHS in Wales


    I suppose, as this is the first of my missives from Wales, it would be just as well to bring the less than ardent follower of things Welsh quickly up to date on where we are in the principality.