Comment archive – Page 411

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    Hilary Thomas on challenging NHS rhetoric


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory. There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to ...

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    Hilary Thomas on


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory.There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to go ...

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    Jackson letter


    The article on page 10 of the 7th Feb issue refer to months of legal wrangling in relation to UHE’s first contract with Derby City PCT. In fact the legal challenge was with Derbyshire County PCT, relating to a county practice. Derby City PCT appointed UHE to run its Normanton ...

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    Shread letter


    Daloni Carlisle (News) and Jo Stephenson (Media Watch) reporting in today's HSJ compound the frequently reported myth that the actress Lesley Ash contractedMRSA. She did not. The infection Ms Ash had was caused by a standard, non-meticillin resistant strain of Staph aureus.Some journalists have taken to calling this MSSA (Meticillin ...

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    Thompson letter


    Looking at your (thankfully scant) covering of the Leslie Ash compensation award (HSJ 24/1) I'm tempted to use three words - inequalities, inequalities and, last but not least, inequalities.Why? Well given that health inequalities is at the heart (sic) of all our concerns for the NHS I'm iterested to know ...

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    Trevor Ludlam on


    The National Programme for IT was established to deliver front-line systems and services that would deliver major benefits for NHS organisations, staff and patients. Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service has been steadily turning the vision of integrated information, communication and technology into a reality.Having just retired as director of Nottinghamshire Health ...

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    Cheshire letter


    Dear Sir We refer to the report published on 17th January “Warning over damage caused by competition”. I am pleased to report that the Royal College of Physicians has been working on this very issue, and invited members of theAlliance, the RCGP and more recently the RCPCH to join ...

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    McDevitt letter


    Dear Editor,The Born inBradfordproject (pages 22-25, 31 January) studyingBradford's high infant mortality rate is an important study. However, there are a couple of key factors which, in my opinion, did not get due inter-connected emphasis in the article. FirstlyBradford's high infant mortality rate is likely to be partly explained, but ...

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    Media Watch: agency nurses


    Agency nurses are raking it in with some hospitals paying them more than £120 an hour, according to figures obtained by the Conservatives.

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    Emma Dent on NHS pride


    One of the ironic things about writing about healthcare for a living is that if you are well yourself, you rarely get to see ill health in the raw.

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    Michael White on social care's big year


    This is a big year for social care, possibly the biggest for a generation, says minister Ivan Lewis whenever he gets the chance. 'We've got to get it right.'

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on the need for evidence


    There's a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where a king has an errant son under guard. After a father-son exchange, he prepares to leave and asks the guards to stay with his son. After walking a short distance, he turns to find them walking behind him. There ...

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    All Our Yesterdays


    February 13, 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review During a parliament debate on the National Assistance Bill, Sir H Webbe said it "almost made him treble to think of the responsibility and terrible power which Members of Parliament had over the loves of ordinary human beings. It ...

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Tobacco - why now is the time for battle


    With smoke-filled public rooms already fading into the past following the smooth introduction of smoke-free laws, it is easy to understand how the public health focus might shift away from tobacco use. But smoking must remain the number one concern for everyone who cares about inequalities in health and tackling ...

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Tobacco - why now is the time for battle


    With smoke-filled public rooms already fading into the past following the smooth introduction of smoke-free laws, it is easy to understand how the public health focus might shift away from tobacco use. But smoking must remain the number one concern for everyone who cares about inequalities in health and tackling ...

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    World class credibility gap in the NHS


    Management and leadership are a lot about clarifying a desired future and then helping people and organisations to get there. 'Clarity' and 'help' are not used often enough to describe NHS management. However, 'world class commissioning' does not clarify or help. It is likely to become 'wc' commissioning and be ...

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    World class credibility gap in the NHS


    Management and leadership are a lot about clarifying a desired future and then helping people and organisations to get there. 'Clarity' and 'help' are not used often enough to describe NHS management. However, 'world class commissioning' does not clarify or help. It is likely to become 'wc' commissioning and be ...

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    Your Humble Servant: democratic ravings


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Moooo