Comment archive – Page 414

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    Preventive care rhetoric could become reality


    Gordon Brown's keynote health speech was not just a crucial moment in the bid to relaunch his premiership (for more details, click here). As the NHS heads towards its 60th anniversary, his government's ability to deliver these reforms will have a profound impact on the service's long-term future.

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    All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review, January 16, 1948On the care of premature infants: “Manchester Health Committee points out that such special provision for infants born prematurely is urgently necessary at Withington Hospital.”The accommodation was intended to include such facilities as a crockery steriliser in the kitchen, installation ...

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    Weird world health


    A reader pointed out last week that the Kremlin picture from a recent issue of HSJ (page 16, December 20) actually used pictures of St Basil’s Cathedral. Yet this move may have been serendipity, as a quick internet search in an idle moment reveals that St Basil is the patron ...

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    Your Humble Servant: the operating framework


    I checked every envelope and couldn't find David Nicholson's personal Christmas card to you. But I did find the operating framework for the NHS in England 2008-09 in your e-mail.

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    James Woodward on the patient care crisis


    We are proud of the NHS and its values. It is rooted in a philosophy of care for all. It aspires to mend and heal. It inspires great public service from energetic practitioners.However, there is a crisis deep within our culture. It is a crisis of care - the way ...

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    Neil Goodwin on developing NHS leaders


    The new leadership framework provides a coherent national approach to senior managerial development across the English NHS.

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    Gerry Robinson was never about saving the NHS


    Sir Gerry Robinson's latest programme confirms that he is not and never was about 'saving the NHS', argues Paul Knutson

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    Calls for clarity on GP contracts


    I read with some interest your article about the government's proposals to consult on extending GP opening hours, particularly as there are no minimum opening hours - or more crucially - consultation hours in general medical services or most personal medical services contracts, writes Jonathan Weaver

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    This week's looky likey


    More on David Cameron (see Weird Health, this week), this time, in the form of a looky likey suggested by reader Lisa Langton, who suggests that Mr Cameron and NHS North West chief executive Mike Farrar look rather alike. Ms Langton says: "This has got to be a better match ...

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    Weird world health


    Does the NHS Confederation know something we don’t? A certain amount of measured-ness is the usual flavour of responses to political statements, but after Conservative Party leader David Cameron's speech early this year, the Confed responded in terms that could only be described as glowing. "David Cameron’s ...

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    Michael White on super-sizing the NHS


    Huge comprehensive schools which became dysfunctional over time? Huge new 'Titan' prisons which will almost certainly be hard to manage? Ditto hospitals?

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    Media Watch: super-surgeries


    Is it a GP practice, is it a shop? No it's a super-surgery - the answer to patients' prayers (possibly) but not necessarily good news for doctors.

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    Operating framework's localist spin unravels


    Will NHS chief executive David Nicholson be eating words as well as turkey this Christmas?

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    The curious incident of the missing £870m


    The fine print of the coming year's funding settlement indicates that, in contrast to NHS chief executive David Nicholson's protestations, the Department of Health will indeed have a significant sum - up to £870m - locked away in its Richmond House safe next year (for more background, click here).

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on an NHS Christmas


    Over the holidays, NHS managers will need to stay on the ball to keep their organisations running smoothly

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    Your Humble Servant goes Christmas shopping


    I hadn't noticed personal shopper in my list of duties on my job description, but am happy to report that I have been able to get all the presents from you for the people on your list.

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    Christopher Balchin on being glad of the NHS


    The author, who lives in the US, explains why he is so glad the UK has a national health service

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    Awards must recognise diversity of the health service


    Unison was very pleased to co-sponsor an award again this year and I enjoyed the high-class event at Grosvenor House on 19 November 2007, writes Mike Jackson

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    Lisa Rodrigues on the NHS's influential people


    In response to HSJ's list of the 50 most influential people in the NHS, I thought I would offer my own list of the people who have influenced my career in the NHS. It includes people I think make a difference, go that extra mile or who have influenced me ...

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    Noel Plumridge on registering with a GP


    Last time I invited responses to two questions: how to choose a GP and why bother now that direct access services are so good?