Comment archive – Page 415

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    Private sector sceptics take on foundation freedom-fighters


    The deal the government carved out with Labour backbenchers to get the foundation trust legislation through Parliament has precipitated a battle between the trusts and Unison over the limits of their freedoms (for more background, click here).

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    Sir Liam's patient safety spotlight shines on PCTs


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson is pushing primary care trusts to put his crusade on patient safety at the centre of their work (for more details, click here).

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    Noel Plumridge on registering with a GP


    Last time I invited responses to two questions: how to choose a GP and why bother now that direct access services are so good?

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    Emma Dent on the Manchester doughnut


    Aha, a response to my last column about the state of Manchester. Architect, researcher and consultant Wayne Ruga, who has been working with Salford primary care trust on developing a 'human-centred culture', writes to congratulate me on writing the 'unspeakable'.

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    All Our Yesterdays


    December 18, 1936, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewOn the abdication:'The swift current of unprecedented national events has swept to a climax and receded again since last we went to press. From the time when the first disconcerting signs of crisis were made plain to the public, the ...

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    Weird world health


    'Tis the season of overeating, not that we at End Game would countenance anything but everything in moderation. But we regret to inform you that HSJ has been causing chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson concerns over the health of the nation. Sir Liam recently asked colleagues if the rumours ...

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    Jogging Santas


    For no reason other than it's Christmas, here are some pictures of jogging Santas, raising money for the jolly good cause of the British Heart Foundation. Lets hope it got them fit enough to be in good shape for delivering all your presents.

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    Jan Little on person-centred care


    Focusing care on individual needs, rather than a series of tasks that must be completed, can help manage challenging behaviours and reduce pressure to use covert medication

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    David Woodhead on looking to the French for public health cues


    Tackling obesity means watching how - and not just what - we eat. French eating habits could be a good example for the UK

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    Don't lose sight of the threat of HIV/AIDS


    Last week the Terrence Higgins Trust marked its 25th anniversary with a Downing Street reception. Gordon Brown used the occasion to become the first prime minister in 15 years to talk about the severity of HIV rates in Britain.

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    Some great work, but PCTs are still a long way off 'world class'


    The Healthcare Commission's State of Healthcare report, published on Tuesday, reveals much to celebrate (for more background, click here).

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    Michael White on Alan Johnson


    I don't know where it came from but in the past few days we've started reading in the papers that Gordon Brown may not last the course. What's more, health secretary Alan Johnson may be the man to take over.

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    Your Humble Servant: a glimpse of the future NHS


    The strangest thing happened to me during my recent MRI scan. Some sort of power surge occurred and the magnets went berserk. I don't really understand the physics, but the upshot was that time folded and I slipped through a vortex in time and space to find myself in 2068.

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    Media Watch: cancer strategy


    The furore over party funding squeezed most health coverage out last week, but it made a return to the headlines as the government briefed newspapers on its new cancer strategy.

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    Simon Stevens on the science of incentives


    During the coffee break at a seminar I once attended, I let slip that I thought two of my fellow panellists seemed 'quite switched on'. 'Yes,' a delegate replied, 'they've both got a Nobel Prize'. Umm, amazing powers of insight, Stevens.

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    Building sustainability in the NHS estate


    Lorraine Brayford argues that sustainability should be a priority in healthcare design and recognises those already working to deliver sustainable healthcare buildings for the future

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    All Our Yesterdays


    10 December, 1954, Hospital and Social Service JournalArticles of handicraft made by blind people had been exhibited in Middlesex, said the Journal this week. All the work exhibited had been done by blind people who 'owing to age or infirmity or for some other reason, were not able to engage ...

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    This week's looky likey


    Sussex Partnership trust chief executive and HSJ columnist Lisa Rodrigues writes to say: 'Having been outed as a lookey-likey for Delia Smith I am sensitive to the impact of such attention. But it would be a shame to miss the chance to point out the similarity between HSJ’s third most ...

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    Kate Silvester on repairing processes in the NHS


    NHS managers are not taught to understand how the symptoms of the NHS are generated by the invisible processes they and their colleagues in other departments manage. NHS shop floor staff are experts in these processes - but only as far as their own role goes. This process blindness leads ...

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    Managers could face prosecution without infection control


    Healthcare-associated infections are a serious problem in the NHS. It can only be a matter of time before a prosecution is brought against managers and clinicians at a hospital trust, says Andrew Jones