Comment archive – Page 420

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    Health check: Foundations lead the pack but PCTs still fighting in the rear


    The wealth of data unveiled today by the Healthcare Commission in its annual trust health check reveals foundation trusts are thriving, primary care trusts are struggling, and the best are leaving the rest behind.

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    Health check: does the NHS want for good management?


    It is the struggle to shift the trusts hanging around near the centre of the annual health check which is most perplexing the Healthcare Commission.

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    Junior doctors face a difficult job market


    Already bruised by MTAS, junior doctors are now feeling the effects of market competition - but did the DoH bungle its workforce planning, asks Noel Plumridge, or did it know what it was doing all along?

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    Michael White on managers and motivation


    If middle managers don't manage and nurses are poorly motivated, no amount of money can solve the NHS's problems, says Michael White

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    Martin Kedge on reaching out to sick children


    Charity WellChild plays a crucial role in highlighting the needs of children with long-term illnesses, writes Kedge Martin

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    Weird world health


    You never know what you've got til it's gone. As one Mark Smith of Newtown, south Wales, has found out after being banned under an Asbo from entering any NHS premises in the UK. Singularly capable of wrecking any trust's attemtps to meet the four hour A&E target, Mr Smith ...

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    All Our Yesterdays


    October 24, 1941, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewBoard of Trade information regarding the number of coupons that had to be surrendered for the purchase of uniforms to be worn by civilians was published this week.‘As uniform wearers do save on their non uniform clothing, they will be ...

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    Anti-stigma campaign is run by charities


    Steve Shrubb wrote that the government recently announced a new mental health anti-stigma campaign, Moving People (Down should not mean out of a job in the NHS).

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    Hilary Thomas on promoting diversity in the workplace


    To truly celebrate diversity in the NHS, it is crucial to see beyond stereotypes, writes Hilary Thomas

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    Safety studies must consider cost


    Stephen Thornton's acerbic response in HSJ in September to my concerns about the patient safety industry engenders even greater concerns about this policy area, writes Alan Maynard

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    Simon Stevens on the spending review's hidden shallows


    Although comprehensive spending review negotiations consume hundreds of person years in Whitehall, this effort is largely pointless, argues Simon Stevens

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    Your Humble Servant: the dreaded healthcheck


    It's that time of year again when we all have our excuses ready to explain away the annual healthcheck. The Healthcare Commission team are practising their best po faces by seeing who can best disguise any sign of pleasure while having a butt plug pushed to the max.

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    Media Watch: an odd week in politics


    This week kicked off in strange fashion. While prime minister Gordon Brown finally decided not to call an election, and the Conservatives cried foul, health secretary Alan Johnson revealed that he was 'not good enough' to become prime minister himself.

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    Infection control: we are here for the patients, not targets


    The Healthcare Commission's damning investigation into outbreaks of Clostridium difficile at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust drives home the message of its report last week on the lack of engagement of some acute trust boards with what is happening on their wards.

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    Michael White on Brown's bottler government


    What a political week! The NHS may have ended up with a better-than-expected settlement from Alistair Darling’s comprehensive spending review, but voters will not be grateful to ‘Bottler Brown’ and his mates for a while.

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    Darzi report message is clear: reform faster


    Lord Darzi's interim report for his review of the NHS clears the way for private sector providers to break the logjam over GP access.

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    Noel Plumridge on what the spending review means for health


    In an exclusive, Noel Plumridge explains how the government's spending round will affect the health sector

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    Jon Allen on lessons from private equity


    NHS organisations can learn a lot from the ways private equity operators turn tight cash control to effect, says Jon Allen

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    Alan Johnson's discs


    We wager that on a Sunday morning the gentle sounds of the introduction music to Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, to say nothing of presenter Kirsty Young's dulcet tones, sooth many a reader. So how did you feel to hear health secretary Alan Johnson on the programme recently? Was your ...

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    Looky likey


    Halloween is approaching, which led out thoughts to this week's looky likey. For who does BMA chairman Dr Hamish Meldrum bear a strong resemblance to? It’s actor Christopher Lee. Perhaps best known to younger readers as Count Dooku in the Star Wars prequels and Saruman of Lord of the Rings ...