Comment archive – Page 422

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    Primary care risk-taking could end in disaster


    Changes to primary care organisation suggested by the Confederation of British Industry could seriously damage the system, argues Martin McNicol

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    Your Humble Servant on nurses and news from planet Monitor


    The Department of Health’s main drive is to get the nurses not to be so grotty, while on planet Monitor they are celebrating a multi-million-pound foundation trust surplus.

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    Data on mental health patient safety must be presented accurately


    Chris Heginbotham’s commitment to the well-being and safety of mental health inpatients is sincere and I share some of his concerns, but I must set the record straight about the more alarming aspects of the impression created by his recent interview, writes Louis Appleby

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    Looky likey


    Another high ranking medical looky likey this week. Chief medical officer and all round nice chap Professor Sir Liam Donaldson bears a striking resemblance, points out a HSJ colleague, to former Liberal Democrats leader and MP for Ross, Skye and Inverness West Charles Kenendy. What do readers think?

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    All Our Yesterdays


    October 1, 1954, Hospital and Social Service JournalA report by the Leeds City Medical Officer report on the city’s mental health services praised mental health social workers this week. ‘Nothing is too much trouble. Whether it is witnessing milk forms, taking youths and girls for interviews, helping and reassuring the ...

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    Medical secretaries play a key role in the NHS


    Media reports on problems in the NHS are mainly centred on the plight of medical and nursing staff and the way patient care is affected.However, there is a knock-on effect on other key staff in the NHS, who also work under immense pressure. I refer to medical secretaries and personal ...

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    Pilots make all the difference


    The article 'Pilots making little difference' states that, according to research, pilot projects that have focused on the government’s policy of shifting services from hospitals into the community have made little difference.In reality, far from achieving little, the pilots have helped identify key learnings that will enable NHS organisations to ...

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    Dismissing improvement programmes misses the point


    Alan Maynard's criticism of the quality improvement efforts under way for more than a decade in the NHS, and specifically of the role of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in that work, abounds with misunderstandings, write Stephen Thornton and Don Berwick

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    Lisa Rodrigues on the traits of executives


    Being a chief executive is a wonderful job for those with a well-developed sense of responsibility. I read somewhere that more leaders are firstborn children than any other family position and I can understand why. As the first child, you are automatically expected to take responsibility for your siblings. If, ...

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    Time to come clean on the private sector


    ‘The role of independent providers under Gordon Brown is one of the most opaque areas of health policy’

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    Media Watch


    The papers are again keen to expose the 'scandal' of hospital food - this time the focus is on hospital kitchens. The Observer told readers of a 'searing indictment' of their cleanliness after government inspection reports revealed 'that breaches of food hygiene laws include infestations of mice and cockroaches, kitchen ...

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    Emma Dent at the dentist


    'Half an hour later I would emerge bleary-eyed, in pain and incapable of eating for days'

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    Sophia Christie on facing up to diversity


    'Her one-year-old's diet was two packets of crisps a day and a glass of milk'

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    Michael White on panic politics


    'I imagined patients queuing outside their local hospital, just like Northern Rock'

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    Media Watch: breaking the habit


    This week columnists seized on the case of a smoker apparently denied an NHS operation to fix his broken ankle unless he gives up a 20-a-day habit.

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    Old-style GPs may go the same way as Britain's motor industry


    ‘Dr Buckman is in danger of doing for primary care what Derek ‘Red Robbo’ Robinson did for the British motor industry in the 1970s’

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    Your Humble Servant: do as I say


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Do as I say not as I doDear DonI gather your fact-finding summer visit to South Africa with Mrs Wise and the children went well. Your thoughts on ambulance response times on safari have given our colleagues down there much ...

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    Maker of all messages: from media to morale


    Working as director of communications director at one of London's major hospitals is a multifaceted role. Alison Cahn recalls her time in the post

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    High Court drugs ruling marks latest skirmish in war of words


    The High Court ruling upholding the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's decision over medication for Alzheimer's is just the latest skirmish in what promises to be protracted manoeuvring over drug use and pricing.

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    Michael White on politics


    The old saying that 'it never rains but it pours' seems unusually apt this soggy summer. But this week the saying also applied to Britain's elderly people when the High Court ruling on Aricept, the Alzheimer's drug, was accompanied by a torrent of reports highlighting deficient aspects of their treatment.One ...