Comment archive – Page 437

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    HSJ Barometer: acute trusts October 2006


    Confidence has leapt up in our acute trust chief executives about the chances of achieving financial break-even this year - the score out of 10 rose from 5.78 to 6.80.

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    Media watch


    'We are supposed to be a nation of dog lovers, but was this a step too far?'

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    A different kind of day at the office


    The HSJChallenge offers managers the opportunity to escape their day jobs and pit their wits against their peers in a in a multi-agency health economy with more than its fair share of problems. The good news is that it's not for real. ...

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    Media Watch


    Your caring, sharing News of the Worldthis week chose to reveal that David Beckham's son Romeo suffers from epilepsy by splashing with a front-page picture of the four-year-old cowering from the paparazzi's flash guns.

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    Michael White on politics


    'The McElephant in the corner, of course, is devolved Scotland, where personal care is free'

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    Simon Stevens on winning hearts and minds


    'NHS targets have not yet been tough enough (yes you read that right) to alter public perception'

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    The age of uncertainty: new Audit Commission chair speaks out


    New Audit Commission chair Michael O'Higgins has a lot on his plate as he waits for the health regulatory review and oversees the transition to a new inspection era ushered in by the local government white paper

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    Emma Dent on the dreaded lurgy


    I have written before about my non-scientfic diagnosis of this condition, where tired bodies succumb to bugs and germs. I think it might be a sign that I should take a holiday

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    Unjust social care funding


    'One in four people over the age of 85 in Oxfordshire are in receipt of a high cost package of care'

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    Confessions of an NHS chief executive


    'I do not follow rhyme or reason, only the secretary of state'

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    Media Watch


    A pledge made 10 years ago by Tony Blair returned to haunt him this week.

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    What's driving the admissions rise


    In last week's Data Briefing I raised some issues about the increase in emergency admissions to acute hospitals over the last five years. The increase has primarily been in accident and emergency, and there has been a dramatic increase in the number of patients turned around on the day. While ...

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    'My local supermarket does not call me an inappropriate shopper - ever'

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    Public health barometer: Dec 2006


    Faith in national targets on child obesity and teenage pregnancy continued to fall, according to results from the latest HSJ Barometer survey of primary care trust public health directors.

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    Pret a Porter?: what a US business guru has to teach the NHS


    An academic tome about the US health system, even one co-authored by one of the world's most renowned business theorists, seems an unlikely hit for an NHS audience. But Redefining Healthcare: creating value-based competition on results, by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg, has caught the attention of UK policy-makers, ...

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    Media watch


    And there you were thinking he seemed like such a quiet chap, but last week health minister Andy Burnham came out all guns blazing as he took at a swipe at people who 'get out their placards' when their local hospitals face closure.

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    HSJ Barometer: mental health December 2006


    Mental health chief executives are increasingly confident this month that they will achieve financial balance.

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    Patient and public involvement: clear water must flow into the goldfish bowl


    Looking for a place to hide? Try the massed ranks of organisations currently holding the NHS to account. Jessica Crowe suggests clarity lies in resolving what it is accountability structures should be delivering

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    Sophia Christie on national and local tensions


    Despite a bad press, national targets have challenged our complacency about poor health in poor people and poor services to support them.

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    Michael White on politics


    In Oz there is tension over the public sector losing out in budget tussles with private-sector providers