Comment archive – Page 439

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    Michael White on politics


    'Insiders already knew that the cash figure which health officials cite includes local IT costs which replace existing local IT costs'

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    Harry Cayton on better management


    Good management should be invisible, but good managers should be highly visible, argues Harry Cayton

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    Your Humble Servant: say hello to the new boss


    'He is also an inspiration in separating bonuses from performance, exposing incompetent auditors who have overlooked some of his imaginative enterprises, and spending vast sums on management consultants.'

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    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

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    Barometer: acute trusts May 2006


    The latest HSJ Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives showed significant recovery in confidence, with only two indicators displaying statistically relevant falls.

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    Mike White on politics


    'Handy Andy Burnham urges respect for NICE's independent experts and insists that complementary medicines (another regular bugbear) must be a matter for 'local determination'.'

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    Kaiser beacons shine light on NHS practice


    A little like 'golden generation' of English footballers', the phrase Kaiser Permanente has all but disappeared from the health policy lexicon as a byword for innovation.

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    Michael White on politics


    My conclusion, Watson, is that it is what street urchins call a cock-up, not a conspiracy

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    Laura Donnelly on overlooking talent


    I heard a good story once about David Nicholson. Along with the rest of the 28 strategic health authority chief executives, he was waiting to meet health secretary Patricia Hewitt for the first time. A colleague turned to him: 'Well, David, when you met John Reid you told him you ...

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    Speak Out


    The drive for private involvement in the NHS ignores the fundamental principles of healthcare

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    Barometer: PCTs June 2006


    The only significant fall was in confidence in hitting the choose and book deadline

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    Raj Persaud: Mind games


    If we get too good at explaining away our failures then maybe there is little motivation to succeed

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    Your Humble Servant: grand theft NHS


    Dear Don‘Bullies who threaten NHS staff will be shown the red card’ press release from the DoH finally confirms what we have suspected since February.

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    David Woodhead on public health


    'Vicky was patronised by health professionals unwilling to listen to her views or take note of her experiences'

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    Michael White on politics


    The end of the road for Blair

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    Media watch


    Cleaning queens for Ealing 'comedy'

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    HSJ Barometer: PCT chief executives, August 2006


    There were falls across all but one of the confidence indicators

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    Media watch


    'Only The Guardianfelt Channel Five's screening of a Caesarean section on Sunday night warranted much attention'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Some Labour MPs suspect the NHS could have run more such centres just as well'

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    Michael White on the Welsh NHS


    Have we discussed the Welsh NHS lately? I thought not. But prescription charges are to be abolished in the principality on April 1, a month ahead of the Welsh Assembly elections and the day before Wales's new pub smoking ban starts.