Comment archive – Page 440

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    Michael White on politics


    In Oz there is tension over the public sector losing out in budget tussles with private-sector providers

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    Media watch


    The surrounding media coverage has led to yet another round of NHS manager bashing

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    All our yesterdays


    17 January 1969, British Hospital and Social Service Review

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    Increased activity may put bright future at risk


    While health service investment has soared, the pressure on organisations to secure financial control may be driving down productivity. Peter Smith unravels the paradox

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    Noel Pumridge on workforce planning


    Or, in simple terms, why should the NHS pay a nurse in Workington almost as much as a nurse in Wimbledon? She'll only fritter it away anyway.

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    How doctors learned to stop worrying and love data


    The NHS has never lacked information, but, says Dr Foster Intelligence's Tim Kelsey, only now are managers and clinicians harnessing its power to change services. Public access is the next big challenge

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    Barometer: PCTs January 2007


    The latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives showed growing confidence in negotiating power with acute providers, with the indicator score up again to 6.88 out of 10.

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    PBR versus payment for performance


    Mike Farrar ('PbR to become 'payment for performance' in NHS North West', HSJ 1 February) is right - there is no reason why pay for performance (P4P) can't be introduced into the NHS.

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    Michael White on consultants


    Chairing a session at a recent Unison conference on the future of the NHS I chided Clive Efford, Labour MP for Eltham in south London, after he had cheerfully abused consultants. I think the word he used was 'spivs', unaware that the room was full of them, including the nice ...

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    Media Watch: all-night surgery


    Another week, another pledge from the prime minister. This time he says surgeons will work at night.

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    Michael White: junior doctors


    'Hewitt would have watched footage of Cameron being cheered by a throng of angry junior doctors with some alarm'

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    Laura Donnelly on thoughts at last orders


    'I used to be frightened when a colleague wore a Virginia Bottomley mask in times of stress'

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    Listen and learn: keys to good commissioning


    How does accountability to patients and the public fit into the commissioning framework, asks David Colin-Thome. Below, Tim Gilling outlines the 10 areas essential to effective scrutiny

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    Michael White on YouTube politics


    'Only 19 per cent thought the local service had improved and 52 per cent thought it had deteriorated. These results are rubbish.'

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    Michael White on the IT programme


    Lord Hunt thinks trickling out the new IT network is better than the CSA’s doomed big-bang approach

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    Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'


    'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens on Brown's opening salvo


    ‘Mr Brown has chosen an issue that explicitly requires him to choose sides: patients v professionals’

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    Michael White: media spin


    'Judicial review looms on the consultation process and voters don't need media spin to feel cheated'

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    Gill Morgan on believing in the NHS


    'The greatest advocates for the NHS are GP receptionists while the worst are GPs. This is about culture, not money'

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    Michael White: the IT programme


    'I suspect that the NHS IT programme will come good - after further tribulations'