Comment archive – Page 441

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    Noel Plumridge on the cost of a day's work


    'Calculate your daily rate. Say it out loud. 'I'm a £500 a day sort of guy''

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    Data briefing: the truth behind the A&E target


    A recent analysis from Les Mayhew and David Smith at City University's Cass Business School has suggested some theoretical reasons - backed by data - why achievement of the accident and emergency maximum four-hour wait by 98 per cent of hospitals was probably not all it seemed.

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    Barometer: mental health, February 2007


    With the end of the financial year looming, chief executives of mental health providers are very confident this month that they will end the year in financial balance. A score of 9.26 is the highest ever recorded for this measure and the highest score of this barometer.

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    Time to tear ourselves away from paper


    Trusts' reluctance to store patient records electronically is a national scandal which is draining resources, harming patient care and limiting the potential of historical archives, argues Capita's Robert McIndoe

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    Dr Marc Farr on understanding preventable injury


    In February, the National Audit Office called the number of accidental injuries across the country a 'disgrace', with 2 million children a year visiting accident and emergency due to an accident.

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    Michael White on politics


    I spoke to Lord Hunt at the weekend, probably for the first time since he returned to government via the Department for Work and Pensions after resigning with quiet dignity over the Iraq war in 2003.

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    Sophia Christie on health and employment


    The publication of the Commissioning framework for health and well being is a welcome reminder that 13 months ago the government published white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say. For many of us it is a long-awaited statement about the future direction for the 90 per cent of NHS ...

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    Who can make the health service listen?


    With the rejection of local restructuring proposals raising eyebrows, will the independent reconfiguration panel and overview and scrutiny committees fill the democratic deficit?

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    Barometer acute trusts March 2007


    There was a late surge in confidence at the end of February about reaching financial break-even or surplus, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

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    Clinicians and trust


    Katzenbach is close (Anna Donald, Opinion, 8th March), but Onora O' Neill is closer. Her Reith lectures in 2002, 'A Question of Trust', pointed not to a crisis of trust but to a pervading culture of suspicion, directed particularly at the professions.

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    Media Watch


    'The focus has well and truly turned to the NHS, as it once again becomes the battleground for the next election'

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    Simon Stevens on the lost art of analysis


    'Explaining NHS Deficits detonates many of the most powerful urban myths surrounding the NHS'.

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    Your Humble Servant: Tory policy


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

  • Brown's equality drive must begin at birth

    Brown's equality drive must begin at birth


    More low-weight babies are born in Britain than anywhere else in Europe. This should be at the front of the next prime minister’s mind as he strives to give every child an equal chance, says Louise Bamfield

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    Overtime work and incentivising doctors


    I am slightly amused that the '75 per cent.NHS workers do unpaid overtime' article is in the 'news' section. I qualified in 1983 and it has certainly been the norm for me for the last 24 years.

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    Noel Plumridge on the non-exec conundrum


    'How can one challenge yet remain part of the team? That's the non-executive dilemma'

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    Pick-and-mix NHS will serve all customers


    Having the right people involved in the right discussions is the key to keeping the NHS in check, says Anna Coote, while Jessica Crowe argues for a wide form of accountability that leaves no voice unheard

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    The real story about Wales' ambulances


    I enjoyed the Your Humble Servant column on 15 March. In fact, I have it framed on my office wall. But, I really can't let Michael White's Welsh travelogue pass without comment.

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    Michael White on Politics


    Many Scots assume an SNP-led team would have to modify policies in the face of harsh realities