Comment archive – Page 451

  • Comment

    Comment: PCT recruitment cannot afford to pay tribute to the old regime


    'To what extent is the success of current primary care trust chief executives in winning the top jobs in the new organisations a verdict on the success of the whole sector?'

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    Comment: managing demand without the command


    'It is not disagreeing but dissembling that really annoys doctors.'

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: public health and wine receptions


    ‘A fight has broken out between a couple of balding, geeky, thin male strategy directors who are trying to stab each other with Montblanc pens’

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    Comment: muddle on primary care pilot delays


    'There seems to be a distinct waning of enthusiasm on both sides, with private providers complaining about inflexibility and complexity and primary care trusts feeling financial pressures.'

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    Mike Cooke on mental health


    'Yes, I am a service user as well as a chief executive. I am in recovery. I have experienced depression, and view this as a strength.'

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    Your Humble Servant: NHS carols


    Published: 01/12/2005 Volume 115 No. 5984 Page

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    Your Humble Servant: day surgery inquiry


    Published: 20/10/2005 Volume 115 No. 5978 Page 34

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    Stigma's servant



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    Humble subversion



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    Nursing a grievance



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    Nick Summerton on clinical management


    Two years ago, when he was still BMJ editor, Richard Smith asked: 'What is it that doctors offer that other professionals cannot?' 'Diagnosis, diagnosis, diagnosis, ' responded chief medical officer Professor Sir Liam Donaldson.

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    Succession in medical management


    Succession in medical management is a problem for trusts. Many require a full-time medical director, but few consultants wish to give up clinical practice to take this on.

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    Bradford crisis


    As many people will testify, for the past four-and-a-half years I have chaired Bradford Teaching Hospitals foundation trust, and the diverse community it serves, with undoubted success.

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    Evercare review


    I applaud the King's Fund for reviewing the evidence on case management (news, pages 16-17, 2 December 2004), and its recommendations to primary care trusts are sensible.

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    Castlefields case


    Ann Dix's insightful report on the Castlefields experience of effective case management ('Happy Ever After', pages 28-31, 9 December 2004) contrasts markedly with the latest King's Fund document which could find only weak evidence to support the approach.

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    Fake drug farce


    Fake drugs are emerging as a new public health hazard.

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    Support for CPPIH


    I had to write after reading the comments regarding the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (news, page 10, 2 December 2004).

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    Shipman's folly


    The reaction of the General Medical Council to the recommendations of the Shipman report epitomises everything we are told has long disappeared from the medical profession: arrogance, complacency and an unwillingness to listen to and learn from others.

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    A private affair


    The drive to improve older people's health is laudable, (Interview, page 18, 9 December 2004), and the achievements to date should be applauded.

  • Comment

    Who's who?


    Martin Garvey, human resources manager, Nottingham City Hospital, was greatly impressed with the redesign of HSJ.