All Comment articles – Page 227

  • Michael White

    Michael White: Is the summer silly season over?


    MPs are back at Westminster early this year. Does it mean the summer silly season is definitely over? Not quite. I read during the week that Andy Burnham, our erstwhile health secretary and Labour leadership contender, is a descendant of Britain’s first Tudor monarch, King Henry VII.

  • When is a U-turn not a U-turn? When the policy being revised belongs to the previous government, argues Tory health minister Simon Burns, not without reason.

    Media Watch: When is a U-turn not a U-turn?


    When is a U-turn not a U-turn? When the policy being revised belongs to the previous government, argues Tory health minister Simon Burns, not without reason.

  • Jon Restell

    Jon Restell on why managers are worth it


    “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” But words can hurt - words can burn like acid.

  • New Zealand's shared learning model offers lessons on implementing the electronic patient record system

    Why many hands make IT work


    New Zealand’s shared learning model offers lessons on implementing the electronic patient record system

  • Richard Humphries

    Anticipating the spending review


    Richard Humphries on the importance of considering health and social care as a whole when considering spending cuts

  • Chris Hawkey

    Chris J Hawkey: A new opening for transparency


    Clinicians must put away self-interest if they are to earn the new powers set out in the white paper

  • Michael White

    Michael White on Blair's diary


    Don’t be put off by some of the savage reviews of Tony Blair’s memoirs. As books of this kind go, and I have read a few, it is unusually frank in all sorts of ways, not least about his growing alcohol dependency - a very New Labour concern.

  • Sally Gainsbury

    Blair watch


    The most disappointing aspect of Tony Blair’s autobiography A Journey is not the lack of punctuation or fresh sex scandal, but that it pretty much confirms most of what you already knew.

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on axes and accountability


    A useful little word the French have borrowed from English in recent times is un tilt. Derived from pinball, a primitive pre-Super Mario form of entertainment now virtually extinct, it denotes in French a sudden, unforeseen and complete disruption of previous plans. Game over.

  • How to leave the NHS

    How to leave your job


    If you are due to leave your job, whether for a new role or retirement, voluntary or compulsory redundancy, it’s essential to deal well with the practical, professional and personal issues around your departure.  

  • 'A couple of unproductive consultants can turn a viable specialty into a loss maker'

    'A couple of unproductive consultants can turn a viable specialty into a loss maker'


    Trust income could be given a boost by rebalancing older consultants’ roles between surgery and management

  • Philip Sugarman

    'Charities need to provide much more for the NHS'


    No one in healthcare doubts that the public debt crisis has initiated a period of radical change across the NHS. The essential challenge is to become more efficient and flexible.

  • Your Humble Servant

    'Primary care trusts? Send in the marines'


    So this is what it feels like. I’m managing along, minding my own business, when along comes Andrew D Lansley (Dudya to his mates), who liberates me.

  • Party politics has resumed after the summer break, and former senior Labour ministers have headed straight for the NHS.

    The battle for NHS Direct


    Party politics has resumed after the summer break, and former senior Labour ministers have headed straight for the NHS.

  • Michael White

    'Lansley is saying it's not about saving cash or sacking nurses'


    I have this persistent weakness, doctor. I keep feeling sorry for politicians. I know they are all volunteers and do foolish things. But people are so unkind to them, even when they mean well.

  • Coping with NHS reorganisation and redundancy

    Coping with NHS reorganisation and redundancy


    If you are managing organisational change for the first time or you are faced with little alternative but to make redundancies within your team, be mindful there is a process proven to help engage all employees.

  • The Independent on Sunday reported that public sector workers had identified management consultancy as one area where government money could be saved.

    Consultant spending under fire


    The media reported en masse government figures revealing the NHS spent more than £300m on management consultants last year, though not all pointed out that it represented less than half of 1 per cent of the service’s budget.

  • Neil Churchill: Don't leave the patients behind

    NHS reorganisation: don't leave the patients behind


    It could be the language that seals the deal. New Labour’s mission got lost in a technocratic haze, so a white paper more comfortable with the vernacular of the voluntary sector is helping patient groups swallow the pill of another reorganisation while showing genuine enthusiasm for the changes ahead.

  • 'Remove the barriers to healthcare innovation'

    'Remove the barriers to healthcare innovation'


    We need new players in healthcare because they, not the incumbents, are the innovators

  • Michael White

    NHS efficiency does not automatically equal value


    There was an undignified spat on BBC radio on Monday between Evan Davis of the Today programme and Bob Neill, the pugnacious local government minister, over the price of bagels charged to the public purse.