All Comment articles – Page 232

  • Ben Clover

    Media Watch: the end of purdah


    Tomorrow sees the beginning of the end of a word journalists loathe.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant: electioneering


    ‘We have survived another election campaign with no one promising to save or close us’

  • Jeremy Taylor

    Jeremy Taylor on involving patients in hospital closures


    It is nearly a year since NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson announced the need for £15bn-£20bn of NHS efficiency savings.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: what the new government will mean for health


    Cheer up, the election campaign is more or less over now and the country is finally bracing itself for the tricky bit.

  • Nicky Spencer

    Nicky Spencer on NHS innovation


    If innovation was only about generating big ideas, then things would not be so challenging. But the real expertise comes in seeing our radical ideas successfully implemented and the benefits realised. 

  • Steve Ford

    Media Watch: the Liberal Democrats


    The Liberal Democrats may be flavour of the month in the media but their latest effort may not go down well with managers.

  • Judith Smith: commissioning needs to be reborn, not killed off

    Judith Smith: commissioning needs to be reborn, not killed off


    Only radical new approaches will take commissioning forward after the election

  • Michael White

    Michael White: on the campaign trail


    Always in search of a scoop, I tried to track down a speech about the NHS which I had heard that Gordon Brown made last weekend. It did not seem to have been widely reported, but this was not entirely the media’s fault.

  • Andrew Jones on the rise of the health consumer

    Andrew Jones on the rise of the health consumer


    Writing an HSJ opinion column in the last week before the election, should I be defending the policy of Her Majesty’s opposition, claiming interest in my small contribution; should I be defending the interest of the independent sector, which pays my salary; or should I be defending the vested interests ...

  • Pete Mason

    Pete Mason on NHS management coaching


    Talent development and retention - furthering the ambitions of your star performers by providing them with the means to widen their skill sets and progress their careers - is a crucial aspect of maintaining an accomplished health sector workforce.

  • Norman Lamb

    Norman Lamb on the NHS under the Lib Dems


    With the polls tipping in their favour, the Lib Dems are under increasing pressure to spell out what they would do in the case of a hung parliament, or if they were to win outright. The shadow health spokesman says axing SHAs, devolving power to local bodies and focusing on ...

  • Michael White

    Michael White: the election debate


    In turbulent times this column’s reputation as a non-panic zone serves it well.  Swine flu, Alan Johnson for PM, delinquent volcanoes, we take them all in our stride. So too the Lib Dem election surge since Nick Clegg’s quite good performance in the TV debate.

  • Mark Britnell on keeping the wolf from the NHS door

    Mark Britnell on keeping the wolf from the NHS door


    The annual deficit in public expenditure is 13 per cent of GDP. This cannot continue, but what should the next government do? It will have three main levers: increase revenues; reduce spending commitments; and achieve more for less current spending.

  • Cally Bann

    Cally Bann: NHS manager bashing


    Will I be glad when it’s all over… Letting it be known that you’re the chief executive of the local hospital has always had the proclivity to silence the most genteel of dinner parties, or to quell the cacophony at the most boisterous of pubs.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: volcanic ash and manifesto launches


    They did their best but so far no one has found a splash-worthy NHS angle to the dust cloud story.

  • Alan Maynard: axe must swing on NHS jobs and pay

    Alan Maynard: axe must swing on NHS jobs and pay


    While politicians are fighting on the campaign trail they will not reveal how they intend to drive up productivity. But once reality is restored the pain will begin

  • Steve Preston

    Steve Preston on techniques for winning at interviews


    Tell me about yourself. This is one of the most frequently asked opening interview questions but for many interviewees it is their nightmare question.

  • Media Watch: NHS managers' pay

    Media Watch: NHS managers' pay


    Grim reading for managers returning to work on Monday as virtually all the papers ran with a report on managers’ pay increasing faster than nurses’.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: the election campaign


    How is the election going so far for you? No, don’t answer that if you would rather not. What with that ritual controversy over the relative merit of rival tax hikes, week 1 was quietly unimpressive, although the NHS surfaced in the campaign at the weekend.

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on the NHS budget


    Here’s a summary of the financial plan for the English NHS.