All Comment articles – Page 237

  • How would a Tory government bring up Labour's young provider model?

    John Deffenbaugh asks what next for foundation trusts


    How would a Tory government bring up Labour’s young provider model?

  • Andrew Jones

    Andrew Jones on healthcare Darwinism


    What is the most important book ever written? Most clinicians will refer you to On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin.

  • Ken Jarrold

    Ken Jarrold: what is the future of NHS regulation?


    The row about regulation did not come at a good time for the NHS and it raises some profound questions. Just how likely is it that self assessment will be objective? How many of us have the capacity to see ourselves, our performance and the world around us as it ...

  • Michael White

    Michael White on public spending


    There was a cynical chuckle in the Commons during the pre-Budget Report when Alistair Darling told MPs “we take these decisions from a position of strength”. What decisions? Why, cuts in the public spending deficit, of course.

  • Jon Restell

    Jon Restell: could the NHS ever be like this?


    People tell me I am good at predictions, so here is my month by month forecast for 2010.

  • Steve Ford

    Media Watch: Good to Great, generic drugs and swine flu


    Not of a lot of festive cheer in evidence just yet: the health secretary’s latest strategy for the NHS, intended to take it from “good to great”, was met with a determined lack of enthusiasm from The Daily Telegraph, Independent and Financial Times. They all took the view that it ...

  • Barbara Hakin

    NHS Top Leaders: cream of the crop rises to the top


    The Top Leaders programme is nearly ready to finish identifying the leaders it believes have the greatest potential to make an impact on care in the NHS

  • Paul Corrigan

    Paul Corrigan: health and social care marriage


    When health secretary Andy Burnham announced his new policy last week, HSJ suggested he was interested in a “marriage” between social care and health commissioning. In Parliament, Mr Burnham added: “We should also be less precious about spending health resources on equipment and telecare to help people live in their ...

  • Pete Mason

    Pete Mason on multiple leadership styles


    What makes a good leader? There are several schools of thought. Should a leader be reserved like Gordon Brown, or gregarious like Tony Blair; quietly dignified like Bobby Moore, or in your face like John Terry; boisterous like Alan Sugar, or overfamiliar like David Brent?

  • Michael White

    Michael White on NHS regulation


    Is there enough real news to fill all those newspapers and dedicated TV news channels? In most years there are only two or three serious news items, ones that will be remembered, I sometimes joke.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant: regulation...


    ‘What’s important is that if you’re crap you own up and if you’re fabulous you live to fail another day’

  • Rebecca Evans

    'You don't have to be insensitive to work here, but it helps'


    New Horizons, launched on Monday, got a pleasing amount of coverage for a mental health story.

  • Stephen Eames

    Stephen Eames on quality vs cost


    One thing I have learnt over the years is the propensity of strategic development, planning and associated processes to dominate and consume inordinate amounts of time, often with limited output.

  • Angela Greatley: mental health services are moving on

    Angela Greatley: mental health services are moving on


    The asylums have long since closed - we need to maintain the pressure for better care so people with mental health problems can lead productive, positive lives

  • How to develop professional networks

    How to develop professional networks


    Many who feel their career or performance is faltering are sometimes wary of networking. For the more introverted, networking is daunting. For others it conjures up images of currying favour along corridors of power for personal gain and so is unacceptable.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Are death rates fair? You decide


    Drip, drip, drip. No, not the sound of a hospital “deep clean” in action, but the horror-on-horror, day-by-day reporting in the run-up to and wake of the publication of Dr Foster’s annual Hospital Guide.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: shamed FTs, Dr Foster, cancer care


    Where to start this week? Named and shamed foundation trusts, many of which deny alarming allegations levelled by Dr Foster? Or the news from cancer tsar Mike Richards that late diagnosis kills twice as many Britons as we thought?

  • Target inequalities, beat cancer

    Target inequalities, beat cancer


    The government must act now to stamp out staggering inequalities in cancer care. Its first steps should be a one year survival target and changing how NICE works, writes John Baron

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on cutting the NHS cost base


    The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines displacement activity as “the performance by an animal of an act inappropriate for the stimulus or stimuli that evoked it.

  • Cally Bann

    Cally Bann: the 'finance committee'


    Some may call it the finance committee. I call it a three hour filibuster on how to avoid being named and shamed by Spiky Mikey O’Brien, with perhaps 10 minutes on our plans to take 7 per cent out of the cost base.