All Comment articles – Page 24

  • Winter

    ‘Warm hubs’ may potentially save lives this winter


    Claire Kennedy and Simon Morioka discuss the importance of bringing people together to share resources and the need to look beyond traditional planning, to control the impact of the coming winter

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    The next best thing to a plan


    The NHS faces the toughest winter on record. With a renewed promise of support from national leaders, integrated care systems now have even more to worry about, writes Julian Patterson

  • Dean Royles

    Promoting people’s skills in the new normal


    Dean Royles highlights the importance of soft skills in people professionals, managers and union reps, especially during and after the crisis conditions emerging from covid

  • Rob findlay

    Elective waits continued to worsen in June


    Growing underlying pressures are coming into conflict with the headline targets.

  • paul farmer 3x2

    Progress on mental health is still fragile, ICSs must not let it slip


    With 1.5 million people waiting for mental health treatment and no additional investment from the covid recovery funding, integrated care systems must now take the lead in delivering parity for people with mental health problems, writes outgoing MIND chief executive Paul Farmer.

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    Do you have what it takes to be a leader?


    Take this simple test to find out. Score one point for every word or phrase that strikes you as nonsense in these extracts from NHS Blithering ICS board papers. Find out what your score means at the end. Key metrics by Julian Patterson

  • 1516842668231

    What the NHS needs from the winter plan


    With NHS England’s winter plan due in a few days, Dr Layla McCay outlines the steps that must be taken to minimise patient harm and overcome current challenges, all while taking the present political paralysis into account.

  • Deborah_Fenney_kings fund (1)

    Involving disabled people in service design is financially shrewd


    Deborah Fenney highlights the importance of including people with a disability in the health and care service design to help improve access and experience

  • Narinder Kapur

    The scandal of 10,000 NHS SOSR dismissals


    Narinder Kapur emphasises on the need for an urgent inquiry, into how many of the 10,000 NHS SOSR dismissals were on the basis of ‘Kangaroo Courts’, and how many involved vulnerable groups such as whistleblowers and minority ethnic staff

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    It’s time to hit the worried well where it hurts


    In his bid for leadership of the Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak has proposed fining patients who miss appointments, but his ideas don’t go far enough, writes Julian Patterson

  • Lord Victor Adebowale

    The elective backlog casts a long shadow


    Lord Victor Adebowale emphasises the significance of upgrading mental health services within the NHS, pointing out that increasing living costs have simply widened the gap for mental health facilities.

  • William van't Hoff 3x2

    New research refund 'fantastic news' for trusts


    NHS trusts can now claim back more of the costs involved in carrying out clinical research following a national policy change. Dr William van’t Hoff is calling for trusts to use this additional funding as an incentive to further support and embed clinical research delivery – benefitting their staff, patients ...

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    Making a song and dance of it


    Widely praised for adopting a discredited 1990s format to end the ambulance crisis, the new health and social care secretary now has a musical plan to cut waiting lists, writes Julian Patterson

  • Juliet Bouverie 3x2

    Report reveals game-changing nature of thrombectomy


    The NHS Mandate 2022-23 includes acute thrombectomy treatment as a key priority for improvement, but the NHS is currently over 70 per cent away from its original long-term plan target. Juliet Bouverie says that, with thrombectomy’s potential to significantly reduce disability and save the health and care system £73m each ...

  • Mariya Stamenova 3x2

    Regulators not yet walking the talk of a new approach to inspection


    Mariya Stamenova emphasises the importance of implementing regulations to ensure systematic and efficient functioning within the NHS Framework

  • Julian Patterson 3x2



    Welcome to the climate emergency issue, brought to you in conjunction with all news media. Special report by our heatwaves correspondent, Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    What every new health secretary needs to know


    The first few weeks in any new job can be daunting. Follow these simple steps and you’ll have nothing to worry about, writes Julian Patterson

  • Rob findlay

    Elective volumes rise as covid measures ease


    Elective admissions rose sharply following the relaxation of covid measures, but it was not enough to stop the waiting list from growing.

  • Miriam deakin 3x2

    Government must fully fund the imminent pay award for NHS staff


    Miriam Deakin emphasises the need for the government to fund the imminent pay award for NHS staff so that trusts can continue to deliver quality care and tackle workforce shortages

  • pharma pills medicine

    The NHS must move 'beyond pills'


    The College of Medicine’s Beyond Pills campaign highlights the importance of social prescribing that can lead to better outcomes, fewer side effects, improved mental, physical and social health, and major savings to the NHS, write Dr Michael Dixon and Professor Sir Sam Everington