All Comment articles – Page 242

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie: in the NHS, information is power


    “When I started in 2006… my health was of low standard, I was overweight and had low self esteem due to several strokes.

  • Jenny Rogers

    Jenny Rogers on NHS teams without leaders


    With redundancies on the horizon and the exhortation to “strip out layers of bureaucracy”, what do you bet that we will see the resurgence of “self managing teams” and “flat hierarchy” as the solution to all NHS management ills?

  • Steve Ford

    Media Watch: sick leave row


    The news that some of the health service’s most poorly paid staff get an “overly generous” deal while on sick leave during the recession was the focus of the media spotlight in some quarters this week.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant on the future of NHS technology


    ‘Just imagine, you’ll log in to check out the rash in your groin, and “Amazon recommends” will also tell you how other people rated their experience with rashes’

  • Stephen Eames

    Stephen Eames on dementia strategy


    I was startled when our nursing director pointed out that at any one time there could be up to 400 patients with dementia occupying beds in our hospitals.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on NHS consultancy costs


    Spare a thought for our ex-junior health minister, Ivan Lewis.

  • Moosa Patel on strong NHS boards

    Moosa Patel on strong NHS boards


    Woeful shortcomings in the boardroom was one of the reasons for the global recession - but there is no excuse for NHS boards to make the same mistakes

  • Ken Jarrold

    Ken Jarrold on sharing the economic pain


    Max du Pre, the American industrialist influenced by Robert Greenleaf’s idea of the “servant leader”, said that servant leadership is, among other things, about bearing not inflicting pain.

  • Clinician

    Exploring doctors' role in society


    It seems to me that for as long as I have been qualified as a doctor (some 21 years) the profession has been struggling with the various facets of its role in the NHS, and its place in society.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on US healthcare and NHS politics


    Oh dear. Turn your back on the politicians for a few days’ holiday and when you get back they’re engaged in all-too-familiar pre-election skirmishing about the NHS being safe in our hands - but not in the other lot’s.

  • Don Redding on patient experience

    Don Redding on patient experience


    We demand other industries deliver standards that all customers recognise, and so we should also insist on patient experience benchmarking across the NHS

  • Rebecca Evans

    Darzi's old fashioned defence of the NHS


    This week turned into a free for all when it came to writing about the NHS - pretty much anyone who’s ever come into contact with it (i.e. everyone)and can string a sentence together can join in.

  • Sheila Williams

    Sheila Williams on cognitive dissonance


    Why do many people continue to smoke, even though research shows they are shortening their own lives? Smokers might say “well, I’ve tried to quit so many times and it’s just too hard”, or “it keeps me calm and stress free and besides, I really enjoy it”. Welcome to the ...

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on NHS cash in a cold climate


    £15bn - the “efficiency savings” the NHS is being asked to make over the coming three year cycle - is an unimaginably huge sum of money.

  • Cally Bann

    Cally Bann on winter pressures


    Good news: we’ve just managed to close the winter pressure beds. Even better: the summer theatre closure programme has kicked in.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on a holiday from the NHS


    Are you thinking of driving far on the summer holiday this year? I drive across France every August, a round trip of about 1,500 miles.

  • Nicky Spencer

    Nicky Spencer on NHS workforce health and wellbeing


    A while back, I was asked to deliver a day programme on health and wellbeing at work.

  • Baby P

    Jo Webber on NHS care scandals


    At the heart of the care scandal in Mid Staffordshire foundation trust and the Baby Peter case is the need for a strong culture of questioning and scrutiny

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens on an NHS budget showdown


    Who gets what? Surely that is the essence of politics, and never more so than when times are tight. When a rising tide carries all boats, economic growth tends to obscure the question.

  • Media Watch: swine flu backlash

    Media Watch: swine flu backlash


    It was inevitable really - gone are the stories of soaring mortality rates and brave speeches issued from behind the sandbags at Richmond House.