All Comment articles – Page 244

  • Jenny Rogers

    Jenny Rogers on tendering


    The person on the telephone sounds very young. I am stifling incredulity at her request. “You mean you want me to tender for this?” I ask.

  • nurse doctor mask flu

    Survey: How do you think the NHS is coping with swine flu?


    Health Service Journal and Nursing Times would like to hear about the experience of swine flu by NHS staff so we can share with you, via our magazines and websites, how nurses and managers are feeling and what support they are getting.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant on private lessons


    We are all still reeling from the shock news of Mark Britnell’s sudden departure for pastures more remunerative. Thankfully he has left us with a commissioning sector which no one else in the world can match… and oddly none has sought to do so.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Media Watch: is Burnham the new Pants Man?


    As swine flu takes increasing hold it will be interesting to see how the national papers’ coverage of the pandemic begins to diverge.

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge: the optimism bias uplift


    The crowd from the finance department were relaxing in the Rat and Weasel musing on life’s three inevitables: death, taxes… and the private finance initiative.

  • Clare Chapman

    Clare Chapman: on being ready for the NHS constitution


    How ready are we for the NHS constitution? Subject to the Health Bill being passed, all providers of NHS services will be under a legal duty to have regard to the new contract. Legal duties already in law will have to be fulfilled too and we will need to work ...

  • Michael White

    Michael White on swine flu and infectious attitudes


    There comes a time when even a “keep calm” column has to acknowledge that Britain seems to be edging towards a swine flu pandemic. Alas, there is no antiviral to protect more vulnerable groups like politicians from exhibiting alarming symptoms.

  • Ken Jarrold

    Ken Jarrold: Five ways to give feedback


    Feedback is one of the most valuable gifts our colleagues can give us. To find someone who has the tact, courage and skill to tell you honestly how you are doing is a very rare thing indeed. In 36 years of full time work I had seven good appraisals.

  • The social care green paper: What's in it for the NHS?

    The social care green paper: What's in it for the NHS?


    NHS managers could be forgiven for asking why they should be interested in the government’s long-awaited Green Paper on adult social care. The prospect of swine flu, shifting political priorities and impending fiscal gloom might seem enough to worry about.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: on patient safety and savvy spending


    I had an odd experience at the weekend. Reading the Commons health select committee’s depressing report on patient safety, I kept thinking of the more visible drama now being played out over public expenditure and pay.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Mediawatch: swine flu... it could be you


    We’ve all got guilty pleasures that are bad for our health and this week there is another one to add to the list.

  • Andy McKeon

    Andy McKeon: saving £15bn-£20bn will be no summer holiday


    This summer senior NHS managers have been set a problem they will still be studying for months ahead - how to save £15bn-£20bn over three years from 2011.

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens: on lifestyles and living beyond 100


    If all goes well, next month my wife’s grandma will turn 100. That is a birthday only around one in 5,000 of her peers will be around to celebrate. Not bad for a woman who, like millions of others, emigrated between the two world wars from eastern Europe to New ...

  • Sheila Williams

    Sheila Williams on to coach or not to coach


    The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s 2008 survey of learning and development reported an increase in the use of coaching - not just for senior managers and directors, but for all employees.

  • Swine flu

    Does my daughter have swine flu?


    It’s been a tough month for my 12-year-old; she dislocated an elbow on an activity trip, was involved in a car accident, and then, last Friday, went down with suspected swine flu.

  • sneeze

    Helping GPs help patients: NICE's role


    There’s more NICE can do to help doctors help patients, writes Simon Fradd

  • Clinicians and managers

    Clinicians and managers - shedding some light on the dark side


    What is it really like for clinicians who become managers in the NHS? Mark Johnston and Yasmin Ahmed-Little take a closer look

  • Paul Corrigan

    Paul Corrigan: the future of foundation trusts


    The biggest clash between NHS culture and strategy continues to be found around foundation trusts.

  • Jon Restell

    Jon Restell: how to cope


    The ever rolling aftermath of the credit crunch – a new angle every day – makes horizon scanning a full time job. For those who only have time for a quick look up from the grindstone, I list the main trouble spots, as I see them, and some suggestions on ...

  • Michael White

    Michael White: on Bercow, the Autism Bill and politicians doing good


    You must have read some horrid things about John Bercow, newly elected Tory Speaker of the Commons: egotistical and pushy for starters. So let me use a new piece of health-related legislation to try to persuade you to keep an open mind until we can all see how he does.