All Comment articles – Page 250

  • Your Humble Servant

    Humble Servant bids the Healthcare Commission adieu


    ‘We will all miss the traffic lights and star ratings, its mission to condemn and flagellate, and the valuable role it has fulfilled for the Department of Health in shutting stable doors after horses have bolted’

  • nurse with patient

    Leading patient journeys: challenging stereotypes and perceptions


    Clinical leadership is urgently needed to improve the care older people receive. Steve Feast explains

  • Hilary Thomas

    Hilary Thomas: NHS branding vs NHS trust


    After more than two decades in the NHS, the concept of a brand had never consumed much of my intellectual energy. However, over the past year, I have been involved in two different re-branding exercises and have been thinking about what it really means.

  • Sometimes too much detail is the enemy of non executive directors.

    What makes a good NHS non-executive director?


    NHS non-executive directors used to be unfairly portrayed as part of the “old boys network” - cronies and fat cats who needed to fill their time between trips to the golf club - or as well intentioned members of the community who, when they were not at the hospital, were ...

  • Coaching

    Sheila Williams: management coaching can stop problems escalating


    I was facilitating a workshop on performance management with a group of experienced NHS managers recently. I got to the part about dealing with performance problems when they arise and how using a coaching approach often prevents the problem from escalating.

  • Rogers Jenny NEW

    Jenny Rogers on NHS jobs gloom


    I have been observing how some of my most talented clients are dealing with the current gloom and uncertainty.

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on foundation trusts


    Are foundation trusts here to stay? Five years have passed since the prototypes first saw the light of day. Once controversial enough to bring the government’s very survival into question, how far has this radically new and politically controversial way of organising NHS hospitals simply become normal?

  • Michael White

    Michael White on the effect of unemployment on health


    A flurry of excitement hit the Commons press gallery when it was rumoured health minister Ben Bradshaw had said unemployment would be good for British men.

  • Emma Dent

    Emma Dent on the NHS in the media


    Hands up who saw the recent Dispatches programme on nurses? There were some fairly shocking stats about the number of nurses who have seen patients placed in “danger” (we’ll presume through treatment and medication errors rather than, say, being put in the path of man eating tigers) and nurses not ...

  • Corrigan Paul 2

    Paul Corrigan: foundations are the future


    Opponents of foundations say that their success and financial strength is the result of unequal advantages - but that should not stop them helping weaker trusts

  • Tybura julia2

    Julia Tybura on communication and patient safety


    Having just returned from a week’s winter sun, I was reflecting on one of my holiday reading selections, Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers. It struck me how his case studies on paddy fields and plane crashes resonated with my experiences in the NHS.

  • Your Humble Servant

    Your Humble Servant on management training


    ‘We concluded that we would need Stalin’s ruthlessness, Patton’s brilliance, Machiavelli’s cunning and Robert Maxwell’s sophistry’

  • Nigel Edwards

    Nigel Edwards on winter pressures in the NHS


    The NHS has learned much from the demand surges of other winters. But while effective measures are in place, costs are significant and challenges for managers still persist

  • stanton paul

    Paul Stanton on the dilemmas of NHS governance


    This is the first of my articles that explicitly addresses executive as well as non-executive NHS board members.

  • simon stevens

    Simon Stevens on influencing clinical decision making


    Paradoxically one of the most important determinants of healthcare quality and efficiency is one that NHS managers can do very little to influence, in fact it is practically invisible to the managerial gaze: the quality of clinical decision making.

  • A patient's experience can have a dramatic impact on encouraging others to change the way they work, their attitudes and beliefs

    How to use patient stories to inspire change in the NHS


    The Academy for Large Scale Change is giving clinicians the skills they need to influence others and improve the quality of patient care in the NHS, writes David Levy

  • mug Bevan Helen sl

    Helen Bevan on productive communities


    I want to tell you about the learning emerging from Productive Community Services, which the NHS Institute will launch later this year.

  • Michael White

    Michael White on NHS bad news


    Oh dear, it is barely a week since I wrote elsewhere that everyone knows “the NHS is much better” nowadays. Since then there has been a steady trickle of bad news, from Mid Staffs trust and from Birmingham children’s hospital, and poor cancer mortality outcomes.

  • Comment

    Clinical leadership meets The Apprentice


    What can clinical leaders learn from reality TV programme The Apprentice? Ann Elliott finds out

  • Comment

    Michael White on health inequalities


    Late Sunday afternoon I made myself comfortable to read the latest Commons select committee report on health inequalities before cooking our planned supper of grilled fish and greens.