All Comment articles – Page 254

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    Noel Plumridge on security under threat


    'What I'd really like for 2009,' said my friend Kate, 'is a man with an enormous pension.'

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    Media Watch: social marketing


    The NHS is in the middle of a social marketing drive the like of which has never been seen before.

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    Michael White on the NHS and vested interests


    I always have mixed feelings on reading that some grand professional body like the Law Society or the British Medical Association is moved to condemn a new government policy as unwise or unclear, and sometimes downright dangerous.

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    Your Humble Servant on the NHS operating framework


    ‘Baldrick, please, when it’s just us, you can call me Minister’

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    Health inequalities in learning disabilities


    Essential changes to learning disabilities services will have knock-on benefits for many other patients, who will gain from better approaches to communication and delivery

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    Keith Pearson on valuing family carers


    In this country, there are more than 6 million family carers. They are hugely important to the NHS, and yet their contribution is too often overlooked.

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    Andrew Frankel on challenges in organisational leadership


    In considering what leadership means from the perspective of a manager in a large organisation such as Care UK, I find myself contemplating the macro elements of leadership, such as communication, team formulation and strategy.

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    Ken Jarrold on NHS positive thinking


    2009 does not look like the most promising of years. The impact of the recession on the NHS will be real: the years of plenty are behind us. In these circumstances, it is important to hold on to the positives and not be overwhelmed by gloom.

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    Mike Cooke on sizzling NHS leadership


    Leadership and management remain big themes in 2009. This column is about the ‘sizzle’ and the ‘sausages’.

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    Andrew Jones on keeping the NHS afloat


    As a clinical leader, I have always known that some skill sets are more suited to following protocols than others - is it better to discover for oneself or accept collective, evidence-based practice? The credit crunch has undoubtedly been a wake-up call.

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    Angela Greatley on racism and the NHS


    Next month marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Macpherson report into the death of Stephen Lawrence. The report was the first to bring the concept of 'institutional racism' to the attention of the public.

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    Michael White on public health nudges


    I was relaxing on the South Island of New Zealand and just about to throw away what had been a very nice bottle of local sauvignon blanc when I noticed a detail on the label.

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    Media Watch: DH salaries


    Since everything is about money at the moment, it is perhaps no surprise that enterprising politicians have been totting up what the NHS and government spend on everything from celebrities to Department of Health officials.

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    Patient choice: Apple's way will bear most fruit


    Patient choice means NHS organisations must act more like businesses to win customers. The best will look to companies like Apple, which build their services from the 'outside in'

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    Simon Stevens on an NHS game plan for 2009


    Happy New Year. Or is it? With so much talk of recession and economic gloom, it's easy to forget the NHS's benign position, compared with - say - the car industry, retail, or financial services.

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    Robina Shah on another day in another NHS year


    A very belated happy new year to all my colleagues. If your January 2009 has been anything like mine, it will have presented time to reflect on the past while managing the present and identifying aspirations for the future.

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    Mark Goldman on shifting healthcare into the community


    In spite of every policy and every effort, it is not happening, not so far at least in Birmingham. The endeavours of primary care to shift healthcare into the community are yet to make a significant dent in hospital activity.

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    Stephen Ramden on keeping failure in mind


    'It could never happen here…' These are five words that sent a chill up chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson's spine.

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    David Peat on quality life years


    It might seem odd at first glance to think we are doing 'old Joe' a favour by getting him fit and happy enough to pop down to his local for a pint or two with his pals.

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    Julia Tybura on NHS career survival


    What would you do if 90 per cent of the world's population died from a flu virus and you were one of only a handful of survivors?