All Comment articles – Page 255

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    Nicholas Hunt on specialised healthcare commissioning


    Since the first statement of intent from the Department of Health back in December 2007, world class commissioning has grown rapidly from concept to, some might say, mantra.

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    Naomi Chambers on NHS lessons from the private sector


    Public sector organisations are frequently exhorted to raise their game by borrowing from approaches used in the business world.How can non-executive directors on NHS boards make sense of their role in today's uncertain climate?

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    Michael White on NHS politics


    In these times of global recession and rising unemployment we should seek cheerful news. I offer these crumbs of comfort from the thinly attended fag end of the Queen's Speech debate, where health and education were bundled up as one.

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    Media Watch: NHS Blackpool


    Anyone still planning their Christmas celebrations may wish to take heed of the recent experience of NHS Blackpool.

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    Jon Restell on an NHS Christmas list for Santa


    For this column, I am going to cheat by giving you something I have been working on for a while - my Christmas wish list.

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    Your Humble Servant: an NHS Christmas


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Manager in a manger

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    Andrea Sutcliffe on PCT provider services


    In recent weeks, I have been contacted by increasing numbers of chairs and non-executives who are struggling with the governance arrangements for the separation of their provider services.

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    Mark Simmonds on developing young clinical leaders


    The profile of NHS clinical leadership has risen considerably in recent times, but the concept is not a new one. Arguably, it rests at the heart of working as a doctor.

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    Maggie Rae on the role of GPs


    Yes, they have won again. The GPs have excelled in our local area survey. Each year, like the rest of the country, we participate in what is known as the place survey.

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    Jenny Rogers on friendships


    A holiday in deepest Norfolk has brought home some lessons about friendship. In a village you do not have the lazy luxury of making friends who are identikit portraits of yourself: same profession, age, income, newspaper - and prejudices.

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    Hilary Thomas on clinical-managerial networks


    I have had the worst cold I can remember for some years - and every time I get on the Tube somebody sneezes on me. The economy is depressing, the weather has been depressing and the built-in obsolescence of collapsible umbrellas convinces me their manufacturers did not consider the eventuality ...

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    Sandy Watson on NHS performance management


    NHS boards have very clear roles. They must ensure governance arrangements are sound, probity and propriety are to the fore, a strategic steer is given to the executive team and staff, the executives are held to account and supported, and there are clear and effective performance management mechanisms.

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    Your Humble Servant on NHS co-payments


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Co-payment cunning

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    Sophia Christie on becoming a world class commissioner


    Every primary care trust is participating in the first stage of the world class commissioning assurance process. World class commissioning is not the little brother of foundation trust development, or even Big Brother, although it can seem like that.

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    Michael White on the NHS in recession


    A rough old trade is politics, as most MPs can confirm. All the same, I felt a bit sorry for Andrew Lansley the other week when he was beaten up for saying 'on many counts recession can be good for us'.

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    Media Watch: public health budgets


    Those seeking to defend public health budgets amid financial turmoil were unlikely to take heart from the press this week.

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    Improving patient safety: advice for NHS boards


    Institute for Healthcare Improvement president and chief executive Donald Berwick talks to Stockport foundation trust chair Robina Shah about the role of NHS boards in improving patient safety and quality of care

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    A future for general practice


    Issues such as GP extended hours (where clumsy government handling of the issue and stubborn BMA behaviour pushed the issue to the wire) and the procurement of GP-led health centres (GPLHCs) encapsulate the tensions from which GP services will be shaped in the next 10 years.

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    David Lee on the prison mental health dilemma


    Not only do mental health trusts work with some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, it sometimes falls to us to support unfashionable causes too.

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    David Woodhead on an NHS revolution


    'All that is solid', wrote Marx in 1848, 'melts into air'. He was reflecting on what happens when the certainties that give our life structure and meaning are inverted.