All Comment articles – Page 259

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    Neil Goodwin on charismatic leadership


    Leadership was ever present during a recent vacation in New England. There was, of course, the national presidential election and the administration's financial bailout debacle, which The New York Times summarised as an absence of national leadership.

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    Ron Newall on patient and public involvement


    There has never been a better time for patients and the public to become involved in decision-making for healthcare services - although some cynics might disagree.

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    Media Watch: patient referrals


    A US pilot sent to shoot down a UFO on a dark night in East Anglia some 50 years ago only to find nothing but, well, dark night, recalled in Monday's Guardian that it 'was like being a one-legged man sent into an ass-kicking contest'.

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    Michael White on keeping patients out of hospital


    It is not often you read of a new controversy in the Sunday papers and stumble on what looks like the answer in Hansard before bedtime. It happened this week. Here goes.

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    Nigel Edwards on NHS exceptional case panels


    Over the summer no media report on the state of the NHS was complete without mention of the postcode lottery in treatments, either through challenges to primary care trust exceptional case panels or the perceived ethics of the current rules on top-ups.

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    Henry Carleton on the European working time directive


    The chair of the British Medical Association consultants' committee recently suggested that the problems posed by the European working time directive could be solved by employing more consultants and ensuring managers work closely with clinical colleagues.

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    David Levy on world class commissioning's training implications


    World class commissioning has already had a significant impact on primary care trusts and their development.

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    Protecting patients' mealtimes


    Around 28 per cent of patients in hospital are considered at risk of malnutrition, and the risk is most pronounced in elderly patients with declining mental function. Kathie Paling explains how a Royal College of Nursing leadership programme helped her improve the nutritional status of patients on her ward

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    Lisa Rodrigues on the financial crisis and the NHS


    We live in strange and worrying times. As I write, another building society has been nationalised.

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    Helen Bevan on large-scale change in the health service


    A sea change is happening in the way we approach large-scale change in the health service.

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    David Amos on aiming for NHS perfection


    The 2008 Olympics reaffirmed the proposition that it is possible to keep improving on excellence and perfection in sport.

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    Stephen Eames on managing by fear


    Up here in the North East the community is still reeling from the collapse of Northern Rock and is now watching with horror the ongoing farcical spectacle that is Newcastle United Football Club.

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    Michael White on the financial crisis


    The deepening financial crisis is changing how we look at everything now. For instance, aren't NHS finance directors glad they didn't have surpluses to invest unwisely during the years when Patricia Hewitt's stiletto was on their necks?

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    Media Watch: binge drinking


    Unlike so much else in the past seven days, the value of a drink is on the way up. The Department of Health's next attempt to reduce binge drinking will include curbs on free samples and happy hours, according to press reports.

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    Your Humble Servant on party conferences


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: His-Tory lesson

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    NHS spending - what does the future hold?


    As the economic picture worsens, Carl Emmerson and Gemma Tetlow examine the possible implications for the NHS budget

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    Ciaran Devane on surviving cancer


    The latest buzzword in cancer care is 'survivorship' - a word that has caused a bit of controversy since it was first used in the cancer reform strategy to describe the rapidly growing number of people living with or beyond cancer.

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    David Allen on letting the public shape the NHS


    The government has published another NHS white paper in which politicians tell the public what sort of health service we must receive. It is time this changed.

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    Steve Feast on GPs as community leaders


    When I was a GP, I was always amazed by the degree to which people remembered and acted on my advice. Frequently, the advice sought was not obviously related to any of my medical training or education.

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    Andrew Jones on NHS leadership and creativity


    I have just thrown yet another leadership conference leaflet in the bin. Thinking back over the past year, quite a few similar fliers have followed the same trajectory.