All Comment articles – Page 262

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    Lyn Whitfield on personal medical data


    Did anyone else feel a twinge of unease about the NHS's 60th anniversary celebrations? I couldn't help thinking they were very backward looking; all those 1940s-style logos and pictures of nurses holding babies in knitted cardigans.

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    Maggie Rae on world class efforts


    The Olympics may be behind us but the legacy of rigorous training lives on in primary care trusts across the country as they prepare for the world class commissioning competency assessment process.

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    Steve Field on the case for a GP-led health service


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS advocates a healthcare system led by clinicians and centred on patients - and rightly so.

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    Neil Goodwin on chief executive boredom


    I have been reflecting on my time as a chief executive, specifically that in the latter part of my career I experienced increasing periods of boredom.

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    Ali Mohammed on caring for NHS staff


    Having just returned from holiday, I am once again struck by how much attention goes into the little things done by industries that focus heavily on customer care.

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    Alan Maynard on managing the NHS market


    The Darzi reforms, like dozens of ‘definitive’ reports and structural ‘redisorganisations’ over the 60 years of the health service, are experiments that may imperil or improve the lot of patients and taxpayers.

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    Jo Davis on balancing an NHS board


    Board dynamics are potentially the most powerful, unseen and misunderstood force influencing a trust's decision-making and strategy.

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    Michael White on economic populism


    Off the Calais ferry and straight back into the political melee this week, I certainly didn't feel the quiet August break had done much for Gordon Brown's government's prospects of recovery.

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    Your Humble Servant on the NHS Constitution


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Constipated Constitution

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on his last column


    This will be my last column. While working in London I could sustain the roles of foundation trust chief executive, a member of various national boards, HSJ columnist and playing in my band.

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    Media Watch: NHS branding


    What price clarity? About £2m reckons London's Evening Standard. That is the price tag it totted up for primary care trusts abandoning their old titles in favour of the simpler 'NHS' brand.

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    Kevin Fickenscher on collaborative IT leadership


    When the NHS was created 60 years ago, no-one could have imagined the groundbreaking work the service does today, or even the role technology plays in enabling clinicians to deliver care.

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    Mark Goldman on raising the NHS bar


    It's official. The NHS provides the most equitable healthcare anywhere in the world. But there are 18 countries whose citizens have better outcomes following cancer treatment than we do.

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    Julia Tybura on visualising world class commissioning


    Watching the Olympic women's weightlifting - yes, I should get out more - I was struck by the sheer focus of a Chinese woman who won gold.

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    Helen Bevan on NHS finance directors


    As an NHS improvement leader I work with many staff groups. One group that was barely on my radar a year ago, but with which I now work with regularly, is NHS finance leaders.

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    Angela Greatley on tackling social exclusion


    There is a group of people who are chronically excluded from housing, work, relationships and the kinds of activity most people aspire to in 21st century Britain. They exhibit the most complex problems but they can be the most excluded from the very help they need.

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    Simon Stevens on the top-up payment maze


    The government has committed to answering at some time in the coming weeks a highly awkward dilemma: whether or not to allow NHS patients to make 'top-up' payments to cover treatments the NHS will not fund.

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    Michael White on public health policy


    Andrew Lansley seems to have been the first health politico to get off the beach and back in hot water this summer with that 'no excuses, no nannying' speech he made to the pro-market Reform think tank.

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    Media Watch: public health drive


    Andrew Lansley argued last week that businesses would sign up to the public health drive as long as they weren't subject to excessive regulation.

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    Data protection in the NHS - a ticking time bomb?


    The health service's procedures for protecting confidential data are worryingly inadequate, argue Sven Putnis and Andrew Bircher