All Comment articles – Page 263

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    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

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    Amanda Doyle on the trouble with patient choice


    Lord Darzi, in his next stage review, talks a lot about choice, and why not? Greater choice of healthcare provider is, undoubtedly, a good thing.

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    Jenny Rogers on forced fun


    I have a memory: my one-year-old child is squatting in the kitchen looking a touch restless. Feeling it my maternal duty to play, I approach with a synthetic 'let's-have-fun' voice.

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    Paul Jennings on the commissioner-provider split


    It is just over two years since we began separating the commissioning and provider arms in Walsall teaching primary care trust.

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    John Cochran on healers, leaders and partners


    Lord Darzi's review singles out Kaiser Permanente in the US as an example of an organisation with strong clinical leadership and says the NHS can learn from its 'practitioner, partner, leader' model. Permanente Federation director John Cochran explains

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    Andrew Jones on achieving quality care


    Piloting the NHS towards quality requires robust regulation and inspection, and the DH has already set up overlapping organisations to provide this, presumably with a thinly spread budget. But if Lord Darzi's plan is to be accomplished, it will require action rather than rhetoric, and action requires funding.

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    Naomi Chambers on grumpy boards


    With Lord Darzi's review of the NHS casting an uncertain light on the role of boards, some members might be forgiven for becoming tetchy, mistrustful, grumbling souls who always seem to be on the defensive

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    Noel Plumridge on a family tragedy


    When the mobile phone leaps into life before 8am, it's usually ominous. Yesterday was no exception, with a text from my sister Amy: 'Tony has been in a terrible accident and is fighting 4 his life. Everyone pls pray 4 him.'

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    Your Humble Servant on co-payments and co-operation


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRE: No-payment?

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    Media Watch: teenage time bomb


    The NHS is facing a 'teenage time bomb', several newspapers warned this week, based on statistics showing increased admissions of young people to hospital.

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    Michael White on the golden age of the NHS


    I have been sitting in patchy sunshine reading Rejuvenate or Retire? the Nuffield Trust's anthology to mark the NHS 60th anniversary.

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    Ginette Camps-Walsh on measuring patient satisfaction


    Lord Darzi's next stage review sets out that the NHS will begin systematically measuring and publishing information about the quality of the care it provides. Measures will include patients' views on the success of their treatment and the quality of their experiences.

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    David Levy on the changing face of clinical leadership


    Clinical leadership is changing in response to Lord Darzi's review of the NHS, but the changes have not been uniform across the health community.

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    Lisa Rodrigues on foundation trust tips


    Well, we did it. Sussex Partnership foundation trust - a teaching trust of the Brighton and Sussex Medical School - was born on 1 August 2008.

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    Ken Jarrold on Darzi and nursing


    While Lord Darzi's review of the NHS is to be warmly supported, it is astonishing that it contains almost no reference to nursing or to ward and team leaders.

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    David Lee on integrating care


    Two recent phone calls from different parts of the country got me thinking about what good management can do to make mental health and social care systems tick.

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    Stephen Pearson on partnership working


    At the NHS Confederation conference, a group of mainly NHS managers was asked whether anyone thought working with the private sector was a bad idea. That no-one put their hand up is an indication of how far the NHS has come on partnership working.

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    Andrea Sutcliffe on transforming the NHS


    NHS 60 week was full of celebration of the past and, as Lord Darzi unveiled his plans for the next 10 years, full of promise for the future.

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    Jon Restell on keeping managers in the NHS


    Sixty per cent of the people who will make up the NHS workforce in 10 years are already employed in the service. This is the latest fancy dan statistic to drop into any workforce discussion.

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    Michael White on pandemic flu


    Did you clock the government's new national risk register, published by the Cabinet Office? It was widely reported as putting pandemic flu as potentially the most lethal threat mankind is facing.