All Comment articles – Page 266

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    Media Watch: bonus scheme for surgeons


    'It's a stitch-up,' shouted the Daily Star, one of many to report on plans for a pilot bonus scheme for surgeons at Imperial College London Healthcare trust.

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    Kamran Abbasi on engaging with GPs


    Primary care trusts are going to have to bring GPs on board when it comes to working with community matrons to manage long-term conditions. Online learning programmes could be the answer.

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    Darzi is the next stage for mental health


    Dr Mike Hobbs looks at how clinical engagement is shaping policy in mental health and emphasises the importance of genuine interactions for positive outcomes

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    David Lee on board to board meetings


    Now that we have over 100 foundation trusts, it is appropriate to set a moment aside for the less fortunate among us: those who have yet to experience the thrills of the 'board to board' meeting with Monitor.

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    Ken Jarrold on looking after chief executives


    It is 30 years since I made my first presentation at a national conference. It was based on the paper I had prepared as part of the Institute of Health Services Management's evidence to the Royal Commission.

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    David Woodhead on tackling alcohol abuse


    The evidence is clear. We should drink less. As a nation, we stumble and fall after lengthy bouts of drinking. Pints are downed and spirits are necked.

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    Paul Jennings on social marketing


    Walsall Teaching primary care trust was one of the first organisations to deploy health trainers to give one-to-one support to people with health problems.

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    Robina Shah on speaking Darzi's language


    Nelson Mandela once said: 'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.'

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    Your Humble Servant takes a look at Tory targets


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Outcomes, schmoutcomes

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    Media Watch: GP ratings


    There's a new hot topic for the hospital water cooler - a website that allows patients to rate doctors just like a book they've ordered from Amazon.

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    Michael White on rating doctors


    As the government winds down towards what it hopes will be a welcome summer break (don’t bank on it), it’s been home secretary Jacqui Smith’s week.

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    Alyson Morley on the push for polyclinics


    Do polyclinics spell the end of the patient-doctor relationship in favour of faceless big business intrusion into health services? Or are they the must-have health facility of the future?

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    Richard Craven on how Darzi will improve access


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS heralds a new era of innovation in healthcare, and with it the tools and opportunities to reach out to patients who are disengaged from health services.

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    Simon Fradd on Darzi vs the GPs


    Sixty years ago, the medical profession took on Nye Bevan and lost - are we about to do the same thing again?

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    Stephen Ramsden on cultural revolutions


    There is often talk about changing the culture of NHS organisations. But no matter how well leaders articulate their big plans, if we do not focus on the microsystems in our organisations we are unlikely to see real behaviour change.

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    Andrew Jones on topping up NHS care


    The government's announcement that it plans to review co-payments and whether they should be allowed in the NHS surprised me because it asks the wrong question.

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    Angela Greatley on a new vision for mental health


    Next year, the first of the government's national service frameworks will come to an end. The adult mental health framework was published in 1999 as a 10-year plan for improving services and setting out what patients could expect from them.

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    Simon Stevens on a good year for Darzi


    As wine experts will occasionally admit, it's hard to know how a new vintage will perform. Wines age, maturation takes time. And a decent bottle may be overshadowed by a later blockbuster year.

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    Michael White on how Darzi looks from abroad


    An impeccable sense of timing and a wedding of young friends in Washington DC ensured I stepped off the plane at Heathrow this week uninformed about Lord Darzi's master plan for the NHS.

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    Natalie Lambert on respecting research


    Most applied health and social sciences research is rightly directed at identifying the most cost-effective interventions for specific diseases and risks.