All Comment articles – Page 267

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    Jo Davis on the ambassador chairman


    There's a lot more to being a trust chairman than just chairing board meetings. One of the most important roles, without a doubt, is that of ambassador.

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    Diamond 60


    On our website, we asked you to tell us who you thought were among the most influential people in the history of the NHS, and why. These are some of your suggestions.

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    Richard Gleave on rewards and reprimands


    One of the main debates in US healthcare policy is how to financially reward healthcare providers for delivering 'excellent' care.

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    Steve Onyett on NHS complexity


    One of the biggest challenges in conveying the profound implications of complexity theory is its name. What could be less appealing to busy staff?

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    Aidan Halligan on why Darzi needs clinical leadership


    The NHS must do more to develop clinical leadership if it is to achieve the aims set out in health minister Lord Darzi's review of the service

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    Partnership is key to delivering Lord Darzi’s NHS vision


    Lord Darzi’s Final Report High Quality Care for All puts quality at the heart of the NHS. His vision can only be achieved on the required scale through new forms of partnership between public, private and third sectors.For healthcare providers, there are some exciting incentives to encourage new service models:As ...

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    Media Watch: response to Darzi


    If Lord Darzi reads his press he will be basking and bawling in equal measure.

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    Michael White on Darzi politics


    Even before the saintly Lord Darzi uttered the first sentence of his latest report, or Henley had even voted, the Cameroon Conservatives had got their NHS retaliation in first.

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    Nigel Edwards on Darzi's big ideas


    The 'once in a generation' billing given to health minister Lord Darzi's review, published this week, might have caused some alarm after so much change in the last few years.

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    Your Humble Servant in 1948


    Dear Lord Donald of WiseIt is my humble duty and sincere pleasure to present to you this first report of the General Hospital board of management for the National Health Service.

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    Hilary Thomas on clinical governance and values


    An old friend has just been in touch, having found one of my HSJ columns through Google.

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    Helen Bevan on the NHS as a global leader


    I have just returned from Saskatchewan, Canada. I was invited to the province as a 'critical friend' of its healthcare transformation strategy.

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    Paul Stanton on local legitimacy in the NHS


    In the first article of this series, I began to explore the nature and the scale of the challenges that confront NHS organisations and those who govern them in the first quarter of the 21st century.

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    Michael White on public health


    The other weekend I found myself discussing the public sector with an old leftie who had worked most of his life in housing and hated what he feels the Blair-Brown governments have done. In a word, marketisation.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on NHS co-operation


    I'm now in the East Midlands as chief executive of University Hospitals of Leicester. UHL took a hit last year with the termination - rightly - of Pathway, its private finance initiative project.

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    Emma Dent on Confed dilemmas


    Good Lord readers, it's that time again. How quickly it comes round. Of what am I talking? The NHS Confederation annual conference, of course.

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    Andrew Kirby on how information can improve healthcare


    In his draft Queen's Speech, prime minister Gordon Brown outlined a further round of performance targets for the NHS.

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    Edzard Ernst on alternative medicine


    People must not confuse the perceived benefits of so-called alternative medicine with the medical facts. Claims made about such treatments should be more tightly regulated to protect patients from unscrupulous practitioners.

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    Jenny Rogers on leaders' illusions


    Leadership is essentially a smoke and mirrors illusion. In a leader's best moments, we project on to him or her all the qualities we wish we had ourselves or long for in a boss.

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    Neil Goodwin on preparing your team for Darzi


    Meeting the expectations of Lord Darzi's review will require leadership, vision and team-building skills.