All Comment articles – Page 268

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    Maggie Rae on world class shopping


    'Tired of shopping yet?' shouted a colleague. A gentle reference to my earnest attempts to improve our delivery of the world class commissioning standards.

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    Sandy Watson on local and national objectives


    A new partnership framework has allowed Scotland to set clear objectives and measurement criteria for local authorities, giving the public a clearer idea of what to expect from their health services.

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    Michael White on specialist trauma response


    The other day health minister Ben Bradshaw read out to concerned MPs a list of all the places on the body where young people get pierced these days.

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    Media Watch: hygiene targets


    News from the Healthcare Commission that one in four hospitals is not hitting hygiene targets was about as welcome as a dose of MRSA.

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    Your Humble Servant on saying no


    Your humble servantTo: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Saying no

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    Updating top-up rules need not be a dagger to the heart of NHS


    Just days before its 60th birthday the NHS is being forced to re-evaluate its founding principle - that treatment is based on clinical need not the ability to pay.

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    Noel Plumridge on community tariff appeal


    'The biggest black box in the NHS' was how my fellow columnist Simon Stevens last month described the £10bn or more spent by English PCTs on district nursing, therapies and other mainstream community healthcare.

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    Sally Reynolds on unemployment and health


    In Britain nearly one in five people of working age are disabled and almost half of them are currently unemployed.

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    A local perspective on Darzi


    As the final report on Lord Darzi's next stage review draws close, Cynthia Bower examines how Skills for Health is already helping to drive change at a local level

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    Local change challenge


    The Leading Local Change document, published in May as part of Lord Darzi's next stage review, sits on the desk in front of me as I write. Its message is clear - healthcare needs are changing and our sector must respond.

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    David Lee on handling a killing


    One piece of news mental health trust directors dread above almost any other is that of a homicide by a local service user.

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    Ken Jarrold on why Darzi needs nurses


    Last November, commenting on the first Darzi report, I pointed out that only a crusade for nursing and a focus on team leaders would improve patient experience.

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    Lisa Rodrigues on being there for your staff


    Bill Clinton used to say the most important attribute of a leader was being there. This gets tested when things go wrong, but also when they are going well.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, June 25 1948"The Minister would like to take this opportunity of expressing his appreciation of the work of joint vagrancy committees in recent years in the promotion of schemes for the reduction of vagrancy throughout the country," states the Ministry of Health ...

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    This week's lookey likey


    A lookey likey from a correspondent who wishes to be anonymous suggests Department of Health director general of NHS finance, performance and operations David Flory is a dead ringer for CSI Miami star David Caruso. What do readers think?

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    Simon Jones on NHS governance


    Not too long ago, the Welsh Assembly completed a governance review of all the trusts and local health boards in Wales. Initial reactions were, as ever, 'oh no, not another review'.

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    Robina Shah on the patient experience


    NHS trusts are aware of patients' views through satisfaction surveys and the complaints process. These have shown patient dissatisfaction in three core areas: communication and information, the manner and attitude of staff and the hospital environment.

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    David Baker on men's health


    According to independent body the Men's Health Forum, too many men suffer unnecessary poor health and die too young from preventable causes.

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    Angela Greatley on what Darzi can do for mental health


    Introducing the latest proposals for the next stage review last month, Lord Darzi said: 'The nature of healthcare means services will always need to change, and sometimes that means reorganising how services are provided.'

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    Media Watch: polyclinic plans


    It seems even apparently mild-mannered Alan Johnson can snap. After months of doctors sniping at polyclinics, he did - via The Observer.