All Comment articles – Page 270

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    Media Watch: bets on Johnson


    Managers may be tempted to swell trust coffers by taking a punt on health secretary Alan Johnson to be prime minister, with most papers quoting odds of six to one to replace Gordon Brown.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, June 4 1948From the National Association of Local Government Social Welfare Officers annual conference presidential address: "The conference meets as a time when changes in the social welfare and assisting services are about to be out into operation and when members of ...

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    Jo Davis on forming a successful council of governors


    One year on from rising to the challenge of chairing her first governors' meeting, Jo Davis explains how the steps she took to prepare herself allowed an open and interactive group to flourish

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    Detailed care records - a closer look


    Despite the perceived benefits of electronically linking a patient's medical records, significant barriers must be overcome before the plan becomes a reality, as Mary Hawking explains

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    Paul Corrigan and Ben Page on PCT accountability


    If public services really were owned by the public, accountability would always be at the core of their business. But since this is not the case, all public services must continuously review how they are held accountable.

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    Raj Persaud on medicine and the media


    At the beginning of the year, the treatment of mood disorders made big news. 'Prozac does not work, say scientists', was the kind of headline we read.

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    Richard Gleave on patients as consumers


    The NHS attracts only occasional media attention in the US, but the recent debate about top-up funding and co-payments for high-cost cancer drugs was covered by The New York Times.

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    Awards preview


    New CategoryBest Social Marketing Project sponsored by the National Social Marketing CentreThis year’s HSJ Awards introduce a new category for Best Social Marketing Project. This award recognises the rising importance of social marketing in health service policy over recent years.Social marketing is essentially a powerful way to achieve positive impacts ...

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    Media Watch: the IT programme


    Pity the poor chap on the IT helpdesk when the NHS rings up. For when it comes to sorting out the service's new computer system it's not simply a question of switching it off and on again.

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    Noel Plumridge on why safety is just a ritual


    A Flybe flight from Southampton to Leeds-Bradford. Through security and reunited with belt and shoes. The flight is called. Walk across the tarmac, climb the stairs and claim seat 4A.

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    Your Humble Servant: leaving the NHS


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Don't pay out, look up

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    Michael White on the embryology bill


    Another roller-coaster week as ministers and MPs engage in close combat over the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill with one hand, while battling to maintain momentum on NHS reform with the other.

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    Awards preview


    Workforce Development sponsored by Skills for HealthOne of the many interesting features of the award entry from the DESMOND programme – diabetes education and self management for ongoing and newly diagnosed – is that it didn’t come from a trust or healthcare organisation.The training and quality development programme is a ...

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    Awards previews


    New categoryWorld class commissioning sponsored by the Department of HealthIn December 2007, the Department of Health, together with the NHS launched the vision for world class commissioning – a document which sets out what it means to be world class – ‘adding life to years and years to life’ and ...

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    Denise Platt on making progress on AIDS


    Since the National AIDS Trust was created 21 years ago, we have seen amazing developments in managing HIV and most people diagnosed with HIV in the UK can now look forward to a long life.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review , May 28 1948"It is not the fault of the central departments concerned if public information in regard to the new National Health Service now rapidly approaching its "appointed day" is not as complete and as accurate as could be wished. Ministers ...

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    This week's lookey likey


    Initially a suggestion from a reader who wishes to be identified as being only "from a PCT", this lookey likey strikes us more and more every time we take a look at our health secretary. Alan Johnson and Larry Grayson - separated at birth?

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    Keith Pearson on non-executive champions


    If I were asked to describe the role of non-executive directors in the NHS succinctly, I could do it in two words - local champions.

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    Hilary Thomas on changing healthcare


    The past year has been one of huge transition for me, professionally and personally. I have phased out seeing patients and crossed to the dark side, which has been a stimulating and steep learning curve.

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    Jenny Rogers on finding the right career


    Reading reviews of Shine a Light, Martin Scorsese's film on the Rolling Stones, is fascinating, especially if you spent your most rewarding parent-taunting moments playing the music of such obvious bad boys.