All Comment articles – Page 272

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    David Lee on mental health heroes


    As every good HSJ reader knows, good management is not about heroics or donning a Superman costume. Good management in mental health is about supporting local innovation and frontline service improvements.

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    David Amos on workforce planning


    A clip on YouTube called Shifthappens broadcasts statistical evidence to demonstrate that the human race is experiencing a world of exponential growth. NHS workforce planners should take note.

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    Neil Goodwin on academic health science centres


    A quiet revolution due to take place across university hospitals will fundamentally change the relationship between doctors and managers in the NHS.

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    Paul Stanton on the challenge of NHS governance


    Governing an NHS trust is one of the most challenging tasks I have encountered in a working life that has spanned private industry, local government, the voluntary sector, universities and the European Union.

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    How should boards approach safety and quality?


    Patient safety and quality of care are important areas for the government and are quite rightly top priorities. Delivering them will be the responsibility of NHS trust boards, writes Robina Shah

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    Angela Greatley on mental health at work


    It may not always be apparent to all of the 1 million plus staff of the NHS, but being in employment is a major determinant of good health.

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    Media Watch: nurses' paperwork


    Research suggesting nurses are drowning in paperwork generated a deluge of angry comment. 'The managers who preside over this shambles have blood on their hands,' screamed the News of the World.

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    Jon Restell on information overload


    Outsiders in their first few months in the NHS as, say, non-executive directors, are often aghast at the vast amount of information reporting that is required.

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    Ingrid Torjesen on circumventing primary care


    My skiing holiday in France was meant to be a relaxing break from health and health policy. But my hopes were dashed when on the third day I fell and heard a crack in my knee.

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    Michael White on health policy attacks


    In the run-up to the local elections, not to mention the Royal College of Nursing's conference, the government took a fearsome bombardment on the health front.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, May 7 1948“There are now only two months left before the appointed day [when the National Assistance Bill would become law]. Much has now been done in the way of preparation since the introduction of the National Assistance Bill, but there are ...

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    Preparing for a pandemic in the NHS


    We live in a climate where the threat of bio-terrorism is significant enough to warrant serious preparation for a biological attack.This, together with the possibility of global outbreaks of infectious disease, such as avian influenza or SARS, increases the need to prepare for a pandemic.

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    Stephen Ramsden on prioritising patient safety


    Can anything be more important than the safety of our patients? This summer the National Patient Safety Campaign will begin. It aims to make safety the NHS's highest priority.

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    Lisa Rodrigues on appointing a new chair


    Managers should be aware of the unintended consequences their actions can bring about

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    Ali Mohammed on staff empowerment


    The other day I was asked the rather ambiguous question, 'How many inches have you got?' I was taken aback until I realised the question was about my TV.

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    Media Watch: polyclinic row


    The polyclinic row stepped up a gear this week as the Tories launched a 'campaign to save the family doctor', warning more than 1,700 GP surgeries could close.

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    Your Humble Servant at the FT


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: FT fantastic

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    Michael White on disease politics


    I was reading a book about politicians and their illnesses when news broke that John Prescott has suffered from bulimia, what some newspapers were unkind enough to call a girl's illness.

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    Jo Davis on leading a foundation trust board


    As chair of Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust, I had a unique role in our bid for FT status. It was my job to develop the board and guide it through the rigorous application process.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on acute trust challenges


    The financial year just gone has not been the easiest for acute services, with tough targets, population changes and possible structural shifts all putting pressure on trusts.