All Comment articles – Page 274

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    David Peat on facing up to health inequalities


    I suppose it is human nature to try to focus on the feel-good sides of life and shield ourselves from difficult or unpalatable realities.

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    Your Humble Servant celebrates a record profit for the NHS


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Bonanza

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    Noel Plumridge on boardroom drama


    The setting: A hospital boardroom. A meeting of the executive team of an NHS trust is about to take place.

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    Michael White on biosimilars and generics


    At my bus-pass holding time of life, you don't often come across a word whose meaning you could no more guess at than a street sign in Tokyo. It happened to me when trawling Hansard the other day. The word was 'biosimilars'.

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    Media Watch: anti-infection alligators


    The leech has long been recognised as the doctor's friend. Now another swamp creature is crawling to the forefront of healthcare.

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    Improving care with TechnologyThe highly impressive life and cost saving outcomes of the NHS North West and BroomWell HealthWatch telemedical electrocardiogram (ECG) pilot study, run over six months across the Lancashire and South Cumbria cardiac network (LSCCN), didn’t only make their mark with the HSJ Awards judging panel.The potential for ...

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    Jerry Fishenden on how technology can transform healthcare


    Technology has the power to transform healthcare provision, but policy makers and technologists must work together to achieve this

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    This week's lookey likey


    "On opening the 27 March issue of HSJ - I started at the back - [glad to hear it - End Game ed] I was surprised to see the picture of David Bowie - at first glance I thought it was Alan Johnson. Is it just me, or could ...

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    How the NHS is failing vulnerable adults


    What does the murder of a man with a learning disability have to do with the NHS? Not as much as it should, according to Margaret Flynn, who conducted an official inquiry into the death of Steven Hoskin in Cornwall

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    Jenny Rogers on succession planning


    Most chief executives would apparently rather chew on spiders than groom a successor.

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    Lesley Wright on visual control


    One of the four principal elements in Lean is visual control. We use visual control in everyday life, without a second thought.

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    Hilary Thomas on working towards collaboration


    These days, I rarely forage for myself in the evening, so frequently do I attend dinners of one sort or another. They attract an interesting cross section of people - managers and clinicians, as well as some who are both, policy wonks and observers, all discussing how the NHS is ...

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    Michael White on patient choice


    Well, well, a stormy end to the Easter season. The Tories rampaged against perceived failures in the government's commitment to deep clean NHS hospitals.

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital Review, 9 April 1948A new type of hospital bedside locker has recently been designed. Its object is to place within the patient’s reach everything needed, to avoid delay and lessen the work of the staff. Invented by Miss Olive Matthews, is it named ...

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    James McGruer on NHS marketing


    The advent of patient choice in the NHS has created an opportunity for trusts to market their services to people outside their normal catchment areas.

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    Ali Mohammed on staff surveys


    Do you care what your staff think of working for your trust? Should you care? It is that time of year when we all receive our annual staff and patient survey results.

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    Rights of NHS managers


    The recent review of Brent primary care trust raises more general concerns regarding how senior managers in the NHS are judged. Since the publication of the Code of Conduct for NHS managers I have witnessed misuse of it on many occasions, writes Ray Rowden

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    Dutch-style healthcare


    David Cameron's plans for a 'luxury' health visiting service are based on a trip that his shadow cabinet colleagues made to Holland. This service is paid for by a top income tax rate of 52 per cent - which fits uneasily with the Conservatives' long-term agenda of tax cuts, writes ...

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    Shortage of doctors


    The shortage of doctors and locums is affecting care and causing immense stress to remaining staff. As it is managed at department level, the scale of the problem may not be fully recognised, writes Richard Marks

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    No continuing care cuts here


    In your article 'Questions over continuing care cuts at quarter of PCTS' you make reference to several primary care trusts, including Peterborough, that have cut continuing care services. This is based on information PCTs submitted to the Department of Health between April and December 2007, writes Paul Kitney