All Comment articles – Page 275

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    Your Humble Servant on Nicholson's blog


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: blogs and Zogs

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    This week's All Our Yesterdays


    2 April 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health and Hospital ReviewAppointments of deputy medical officer of health and deputy medial school officer, senior medial officer, chief dental surgeon, chief nursing officer, principal assistants and divisional medical officers have been made within the London County Council Public Heath Department, as reorganised ...

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    This week's lookey likey


    Looking through a recent copy of the FT, a colleague thought she spotted a picture of Bill Moyes. But on closer inspection the pic turned out to be of Northern Rock chairman Ron Sandler. We ask if readers can spot the difference for it looks they there were truly separated ...

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    What is the worst thing you have heard a doctor say?


    The Timeshas been asking readers what is the sentence that you would least like to overhear in hospital. Their and our favourite is the doctor who looked at a reader's X-rays and was to be heard saying quietly: "Oh sh*t."Can HSJ readers do better? What is the worst ...

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    Care as a career: raising the public perception


    The public's view of caring as a profession is often negative, but this can be changed by bringing people closer to the realities of this work at its best, argues Helen Joy

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    Paul Jennings on football-friendly marketing


    Through an ongoing commitment to social marketing in health, we have been looking for ways that newer technologies could work for us in delivering messages to target groups.

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    Lisa Rodrigues on how it feels to become a foundation trust


    Working for foundation status is like growing up - you learn from personal experience

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    David Amos on directing talent


    2008 could be the year that the widespread development of talented frontline staff and the spotting of potential senior staff takes centre stage in the NHS.

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    Role of pharmacy


    Your news analysis on regulation focused on the creation of the new Care Quality Commission. Government plans for changes in health and social care regulation are wide-ranging and will have very significant impacts for pharmacy. It was therefore surprising that your report did not make mention of the creation of ...

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    Media Watch: Olympic health worries


    'I would rather be in music than in politics,' said health secretary Alan Johnson in an interview with The Observer's Music Monthly magazine.

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    An eye on Monitor


    May I clarify my comment in your article about Monitor's decision to consult on private patient income.

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    Proud of diversity


    Charlotte Santry's commentary on the scarcity of black managers in the health community was welcome, writes Tom Sandford ('The same old faces')

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    Let's cut NHS waste


    As a clinician with an interest in management, the waste in the NHS astounds me. There are huge variations in drugs that do practically the same thing, such as statins, and numerous different types of joint replacement and procedural systems that work efficiently in one hospital but are unworkable in ...

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    Good environment for chaplains


    Your article on chaplaincy presents an impression of the service which many will struggle to recognise, write Graeme Hancocks and Christopher Swift

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    Healthcare chaplaincy debate


    Your article 'A spirited row' is misleading about the work of healthcare chaplaincy in the NHS in a number of respects, writes Carol English

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    Sophia Christie on fighting change


    Besieged by change, senior managers in the NHS are adept at resisting it while apparently leading it.

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    The case for integrated care systems


    John Deffenbaugh's article on commissioning is a majestic triumph of hope over experience and evidence.

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    Care Quality Commission: open your wallet and pay for real talent


    For a department renowned for its largesse when it comes to remuneration, it is difficult to understand why the Department of Health is being so parsimonious when it comes to the salary for the chair of the new Care Quality Commission.

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    Emma Dent calls for green spaces without the public urinating


    One of the things I like best about London is that despite being big, dirty, crowded and at times downright chaotic, its allocation of green spaces is among the most generous for any capital city in the world.

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    Michael White: budget politics


    No point in spending too much time on this year's Budget, I think, which wasn't much of an NHS event anyway. I'm all for optimism about the future, but Alistair Darling's low-key confidence a week ago has already been overtaken by the gathering financial storm in the Atlantic. Fasten seatbelts.