All Comment articles – Page 278

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    David Peat on community spirit


    It occurred to me the other day that just as TV soap devotees have Coronation Street, in East Lancashire we have Howard Street. But instead of the Rovers Return being the centre of everything that moves, we have Howard Street's community health centre.

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    Michael White on politics


    In more innocent days, when a protester smuggled horse manure into the Commons public gallery one of us coined the joke 'Ordure, ordure' for Mr Speaker to utter.

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    Media Watch


    'A new centre for binge drinking has been identified in the heart of London,' reports The Sunday Times.

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    Simon Stevens on local pay and national prices


    When doctors everywhere are being urged to become more evidence based in their clinical practice, a standard retort is that health policy makers should do the same.

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    Your Humble Servant: the Fresh Approach to Cash Alternatives Team


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveDear Don, as you can imagine, GPs are very agitated at the moment.

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    Speak now to influence the new regulator


    This week's analysis of the bill introducing the Care Quality Commission highlights how little NHS and independent sector managers have involved themselves in shaping the new body so far. But the lack of detail in the bill of the nuts and bolts of the new regulatory framework means it is ...

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    Lousy singer, great lobbyist - Morgan is a tough act to follow


    As the tributes pour in for Gill Morgan following the announcement that she is to leave the NHS Confederation, it is clear not only how well liked and respected she is, but also how far she has taken the organisation in six years.

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    All Our Yesterdays


    March 5, 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review Within preparations underway for the coming into effect of the National Hospital Service, a number of reports were printed this week on the decisions or provisional arrangements being made as to the allocation of institutions between county and county ...

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    This week's lookey likey


    Timothy Spall is a first class actor and national treasure. But now there is another string to his bow - Professor Wellard of internet site suggests that he also looks somewhat like NHS Confederation director of policy and HSJ favourite Nigel Edwards.

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    Weird world health



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    Creating a fearless ITC strategy


    Trevor Ludlam's organisation used the national programme for IT as a springboard for implementing a wide range of IT innovations. From integrated patient records to digital pens in A&E, here he explains what they did and how they did it

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    Monitor watching


    I did not say that foundation trusts should have the right to ignore government targets and that Monitor should stand up for them when they do (leader, 21 February). All foundation trusts should rightly meet the expectations that ministers have for patients, including government targets, writes Sue Slipman

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    We are still accountable to the public


    Monitor has never said that ministers cannot express concerns with quality and views about priorities ('Is government taking liberties with the foundation principle?'). Indeed, we believe the Department of Health's prime role is to protect the interests of patients by setting targets and quality standards, and by determining nationally what ...

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    Jo Stephenson on patient stacking


    Patient stacking sounds like the kind of thing medical students might get up to: giant Jenga with people instead of blocks of wood.

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    Is government taking liberties with the foundation principle?


    The argument between the foundation trust lobby and the Department of Health over foundations’ freedoms goes to the heart of the debate about the role of politics in health policy.

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    Michael White on the consultant of the future


    I make it a policy to chuckle when I hear of some mild British institution being likened to Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia by someone who hasn't understood much history. Even law lords do it.

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    Emma Dent on the common cold


    I have a new hobby: blowing my nose. Not the most riveting of pastimes but my hope is that framing said activity in this way will make it seem less like a chore and more of a fun way to pass the time.

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    Jon Restell on looking after managers


    Managers in healthcare need to do more than ever to look after their staff. I don't have a problem with this; it's the right thing to be doing.

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    Foreign bodies


    When discussing sensitive issues such as migrant healthcare professionals, our choice of language is paramount. So I must point out that an item in HSJ speaking of 'overseas' doctors (in brief, page 6, 14 February) is misleading.

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    The people's constitution


    BUPA is supportive of the concept of an NHS constitution, but as an initiative designed to empower consumers. However, much of the discussion seems to be centring on processes and structure, writes Andrew Vallance-Owen