All Comment articles – Page 279

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    Of equal weight…


    Your coverage of two related issues in HSJ in separate articles is timely (news analysis and opinion, 14 February). What Sophia Christie's column fails to mention is the pressure faced by NHS colleagues to fund Lucentis in advance of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence issuing its final ...

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    Whither NHS reform?


    Richard Vize makes a sweeping dig at the British Medical Association and GPs, your traditional villains, and will probably get a quick laugh from the cheap seats. But has HSJ missed a point here?

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    Why this delay?


    In my opinion, Sophia Christie has missed the point about Lucentis. There is no doubt that many ophthalmologists in the UK would agree that the price of Lucentis is too high, writes Jonathan Gibson

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    All Our Yesterdays


    February 27, 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review "With the coming into active operation this year of the national hospital service a new era in hospital administration will open. It cannot be denied that in many ways new opportunities for development and experiment will be presented and ...

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    This week's weird world health


    Did readers know that NHS managers have a code of conduct? It seems to have been kept fairly quiet until recently. But we wondered if, should the DH be considering revising the code they could take inspiration from rules recently imposed on Serbian hospitals by the country's health ministry. ...

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    Ronny Flynn on righting racial inequalities


    Frontline staff and managers' skills in engaging with and using evidence are essential to promoting race equality in health services. Britain prides itself on its open access to healthcare and the quality of its prevention and treatment of illness.

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    Using evidence to achieve equality in healthcare


    Frontline staff and managers must be skilled in engaging with and using evidence if they are to promote race equality in health services, writes Ronny Flynn

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    Using evidence to achieve equality in healthcare


    Frontline staff and managers must be skilled in engaging with and using evidence if they are to promote race equality in health services, writes Ronny Flynn

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    Neil Goodwin on building working relationships


    What do teenage children, marriage and friendships have in common when thinking about work? They all offer excellent opportunities for developing relationship skills in the workplace.

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    Neil Goodwin on building working relationships


    What do teenage children, marriage and friendships have in common when thinking about work? They all offer excellent opportunities for developing relationship skills in the workplace.

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    Clean record


    Media Watch reported that according to the Mail on Sunday, NHS North East spent £150,000 on cardboard nurses.

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    Failure to assess


    Congratulations for highlighting out-of-area assessments for mental healthcare. This problem is not confined to people needing to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, writes Linda Davidson

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    Proud of our A&E


    I was pleased Emma Dent had a positive experience in accident and emergency, but she did not name the trust. So, on Emma's behalf, I just wanted to thank the hard-working staff who treated her colleague at UCLH.

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    BMA will fight


    It is not the BMA which is 'grossly misrepresenting' the argument over GP opening hours. It is the government's campaign of misinformation, inaccurate media reporting and misleading articles such as Richard Vize's blinkered editorial, writes Robert Morley

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    Is it reasonable to audit GPs' hours?


    Far from 'standing between patients and a better service' over longer GP opening hours, the British Medical Association has said most GPs would offer appointments in extended hours, writes Richard Vautrey

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    Michael White on NHS reform


    I'm always getting into trouble for trying to be open minded. That Hitler, I say, he was kind to animals. So I turned to this week's polemic from the pro-market pressure group Reform so full of good will that I ignored the title, NHS Reform: national mantra, not local reality.

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    Media Watch: GP opening hours


    Doctors were in the spotlight this week, after the British Medical Association advised GPs to accept a new contract that means practices will open for longer.

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    Sophie Christie on the Lucentis drug controversy


    The latest media celebration of how terrible the NHS is gathers pace. The press has been reporting that people are going blind because they are being refused a drug (as opposed to going blind because they have a degenerative disease). Yet the fourth estate seems to be missing a far ...

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    Find the funds to keep violence in check


    Uniquely among the main care disciplines, mental health services routinely have to manage a triangle of potentially violent relationships: patients attacking staff, patients attacking each other and - when it comes to restraining aggression - staff using force on patients.

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    The BMA is standing between patients and a better service


    Not content with grossly misrepresenting the government's position on opening hours, the British Medical Association has now resorted to sabotage to block modernisation of our primary care services.