All Comment articles – Page 281

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    All Our Yesterdays


    February 13, 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review During a parliament debate on the National Assistance Bill, Sir H Webbe said it "almost made him treble to think of the responsibility and terrible power which Members of Parliament had over the loves of ordinary human beings. It ...

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Tobacco - why now is the time for battle


    With smoke-filled public rooms already fading into the past following the smooth introduction of smoke-free laws, it is easy to understand how the public health focus might shift away from tobacco use. But smoking must remain the number one concern for everyone who cares about inequalities in health and tackling ...

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    Tobacco - why now is the time for battle


    With smoke-filled public rooms already fading into the past following the smooth introduction of smoke-free laws, it is easy to understand how the public health focus might shift away from tobacco use. But smoking must remain the number one concern for everyone who cares about inequalities in health and tackling ...

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    World class credibility gap in the NHS


    Management and leadership are a lot about clarifying a desired future and then helping people and organisations to get there. 'Clarity' and 'help' are not used often enough to describe NHS management. However, 'world class commissioning' does not clarify or help. It is likely to become 'wc' commissioning and be ...

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    World class credibility gap in the NHS


    Management and leadership are a lot about clarifying a desired future and then helping people and organisations to get there. 'Clarity' and 'help' are not used often enough to describe NHS management. However, 'world class commissioning' does not clarify or help. It is likely to become 'wc' commissioning and be ...

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    Media Watch: donations row


    Health secretary Alan Johnson was big news this week, as a row over a donation to his campaign to become Labour deputy leader spread across front pages faster than a hospital superbug.

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    Michael White on Johnson's donation troubles


    I shall resist the temptation to make fatcat jokes this week. But I don't think I'm sticking my neck out in predicting that Alan Johnson's trouble over that £3,000 donation to his deputy leadership campaign will not lead to the health secretary's resignation.

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    Your Humble Servant: democratic ravings


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Moooo

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    Mental health funding rows must not hinder urgent care


    Being sectioned under the Mental Health Act is traumatic, but a section being delayed because of a row over funding is even more distressing.

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    Patients could hold answer to gender work rate differences


    For the increasing number of female consultants, research this week that concludes they are less productive than their male counterparts is likely to make them bristle.

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    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

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    Personal healthcare budgets - a real possibility?


    Hilary Blackwell asks whether putting people in charge of their own healthcare budgets could really work

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    All Our Yesterdays


    February 6, 1948, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital Review "The fact has to be faced that the education of the wartime generation pf schoolchildren necessarily suffered a severe setback…Thanks are due to the devoted efforts of teachers and all others concerned with the service that this loss was ...

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    This week's lookey likey


    Another footballing lookey likey this week. The lure of Newcastle was not enough to tempt Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp to the north east. But oddly enough that fine region is the former base of Department of Health director general of NHS finance, performance and operations David Flory, to whom a ...

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    David Woodhead on patient satisfaction


    France and the UK may have different approaches to healthcare delivery, but many of the challenges they face are the same

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    Emma Dent: getting on the hospital ladder?


    HSJ's announcements service recently carried the news that insurer Combined Insurance believes that a significant number of people would pay more for a home that is close to good hospitals.

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    Michael White on cutting costs


    At a high-minded King's Fund breakfast a few months ago I heard battle-hardened NHS veterans agreeing that there won't be the opportunity for serious efficiency savings until the money tap is turned off. Then everyone will remember how to improvise.

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    Media Watch: compensation claims


    While Leslie Ash celebrated, columnists seethed, indignant at the £5m in compensation the actor received after contracting an infection in hospital.