All Comment articles – Page 285

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    Media Watch: cancer strategy


    The furore over party funding squeezed most health coverage out last week, but it made a return to the headlines as the government briefed newspapers on its new cancer strategy.

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    Michael White on Alan Johnson


    I don't know where it came from but in the past few days we've started reading in the papers that Gordon Brown may not last the course. What's more, health secretary Alan Johnson may be the man to take over.

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    Building sustainability in the NHS estate


    Lorraine Brayford argues that sustainability should be a priority in healthcare design and recognises those already working to deliver sustainable healthcare buildings for the future

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    All Our Yesterdays


    10 December, 1954, Hospital and Social Service JournalArticles of handicraft made by blind people had been exhibited in Middlesex, said the Journal this week. All the work exhibited had been done by blind people who 'owing to age or infirmity or for some other reason, were not able to engage ...

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    This week's looky likey


    Sussex Partnership trust chief executive and HSJ columnist Lisa Rodrigues writes to say: 'Having been outed as a lookey-likey for Delia Smith I am sensitive to the impact of such attention. But it would be a shame to miss the chance to point out the similarity between HSJ’s third most ...

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    Kate Silvester on repairing processes in the NHS


    NHS managers are not taught to understand how the symptoms of the NHS are generated by the invisible processes they and their colleagues in other departments manage. NHS shop floor staff are experts in these processes - but only as far as their own role goes. This process blindness leads ...

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    Managers could face prosecution without infection control


    Healthcare-associated infections are a serious problem in the NHS. It can only be a matter of time before a prosecution is brought against managers and clinicians at a hospital trust, says Andrew Jones

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    Jon Restell on unravelling the pay-off era


    The NHS is more anxious to stop problems coming to light than solving them. Good, bad, indifferent - the system does not care about judging your actual performance

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    Management training push for doctors


    The momentum for management training for doctors has received a further boost this week with moves by the King's Fund to establish an MBA for doctors (for more details, click here).

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    Michael White on data security


    When I heard that young Tory thruster George Osborne warn that the fiasco over the two missing child benefit discs from HM Revenue and Customs will prove the 'final blow' to the British ID card scheme, I wondered what it might also mean for the NHS.

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    Emma Dent on Manchester's tale of two cities


    There sometimes comes a point in life when you find yourself agreeing with people you never thought you would. I felt this way when I read former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith's report about Manchester.

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    What is behind the NHS surplus?


    Last week’s revelation by HSJ that the NHS is heading for a 1.8bn underspend raises the spectre of renewed financial turbulence.

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    Media Watch: £1.8bn underspend


    Much of the heavyweight reporting last week focused on HSJ's exclusive that the NHS is heading for a £1.8bn underspend.

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    Belinda Phipps on choice in maternity services


    Government policies on maternity services are changing and managers must ensure services around the country are prepared to respond

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    Weird world health


    Health minister Lord Ara Darzi has been learning the potential complications of being in the House of Lords. Saving the life of Lord Brennan, who collapsed during debate of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, with the aid of a defibrillator, meant his parliamentary business was put back a day. ...

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    Protecting patients' personal data is crucial


    The furore surrounding the Treasury's mismanagement of 25 million people's personal details has real and worrying lessons for those of us dealing with data in the health service, says Robert Navarro

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    NHS must treat patients with rare conditions fairly


    We read Sophia Christie's article on collective commissioning with interest. Ms Christie clearly takes the view that no patient with a rare disease is worth treating, as drugs developed for such conditions have limited evidence and are very expensive due to high development costs. So much for the NHS being ...

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    World class commissioning will secure NHS's future


    Mark Britnell recently set out the government's ambitious vision for commissioning in HSJ. Many of our patients have seen the enormity of the improvements in the service over the last few years. However, as clinicians and managers, we have to accept that we have not been able to create a ...

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    Care Quality Commission plans are unrealistic


    The restructuring and amalgamation of regulators is not currently having a good press, writes BMN Clarke

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    All Our Yesterdays


    4 December, 1936, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewPublic assistance and hospital managers looking to liven up life in their institutions this week may have been cheered by an advertisement this week. Clifford Kemp, a 'film renter' based in The Headrow, Leeds, was advertising his 1000 plus 'talking ...