All Comment articles – Page 286

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    David Peat on turning health policy into action


    One of the eternal dilemmas for a chief executive is to translate the words of policy documents into meaningful action on the front line

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    Patients with rare conditions are not doomed


    Philip Butcher of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign writes in response to an article on collective commissioning in the NHS

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    NHS surplus could cover prescription costs


    I read with interest your article on how the NHS is set to end the year with a £2bn surplus, writes Ciaràn Devane

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    No plans to close Queen Mary's


    You present a stark analysis of the implications of existing private finance initiative schemes on reconfiguration options for outer south east London ('PFI debt fears as district general hospitals feel the squeeze'), writes Simon Robbins

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    Minority report: shameful race record harms staff and patients


    A Healthcare Commission survey has revealed scandalously poor compliance with race equality legislation (for more on the survey, click here).

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    Patients are driven to distraction by parking fees


    Are hospital car park charges becoming a tax on patients and carers?

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    Your Humble Servant: world class commissioning


    World class commissioning, world class commissioning, world class commissioning, commission de classe du monde, world class commissioning, world class commissioning, world class commissioning, world class commissioning.

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    Sophie Christie on the holy grail of NHS policy


    NHS policy seems populated by some remarkably persistent ideas that pop up every decade or so

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    Michael White: inside Gordon Brown's mind


    Are ministers in Alan Johnson’s health team now finding their feet in their new jobs after a lacklustre start? Are they landing a few blows on the other side too despite renewed talk of a broad consensus on the NHS’s future?

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    Media Watch: Gordon Brown under fire


    Gordon Brown has been coming under fire this week for his behaviour both past and present. The Sun blamed the prime minister for the decision, announced by health secretary Alan Johnson, to scrap six contracts for independent sector treatment centres. The £100m compensation to the dropped companies ‘could have built ...

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    Patient safety action teams - putting safety first


    Patient safety action teams are now helping make safety part of the mainstream NHS in all 10 strategic health authorities. Martin Fletcher explains their work

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    NHS maternity services - the real story


    Regarding Simon Stevens' opinion piece, it is good to see a debate on maternity services in HSJ, writes Karlene Davis

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    Looky likey


    General manager at Classic Hospitals' Elland and Methley Park Hospitals Chris Harrison writes to say that while leafing through some recent issues of HSJ he briefly thought he was reading All About Soaps magazine. 'NHS Choices project lead and DoH chief information officer Beverley Bryant looks rather like (long standing ...

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    Weird world health


    What do you think the effects of having half a brain would be? A below average mental capacity seems the obvious answer. But a 39 year old woman who went to hospital in China and was discovered to only have grey matter on the right side of her brain had ...

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    Over-analysis risks crushing staff motivation


    I thoroughly endorse Stephen Ramsden's transformational approach to patient safety. However, I believe we could go even further by saying this is exactly what is missing in many other aspects of patient services and, indeed, more generally across the public sector, writes Sue Ward

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    All Our Yesterdays


    November 28, 1941, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewThe tale of how to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers continues. Aftercare was described. Some patients were advised to carry with them a mixture consisting of cream, milk water and sodium citrate and drink a glassful 'every two hours throughout ...

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    Hilary Thomas on clarifying the NHS insurer-provider divide


    Separating the NHS’s purchaser and provider functions more clearly would help everyone who works in the service focus unambiguously on their purpose

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    Stephen Ramsden on the transformational approach to patient safety


    To make real strides in patient safety, we must win the hearts and minds of NHS staff and patients, mobilising them to be drivers of change

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    Mark Britnell on world class commissioning


    PCTs are not obliged to use this framework - it is simply there to help them if they need it

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    Media Watch: waiting times


    If the Department of Health hoped for some good press on the latest waiting times, then it should have known better.