All Comment articles – Page 293

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    Stephen Hocking on the drugs debate


    'Unfortunately, economics dictates that with finite financial resources, not every drug can be purchased and paid for by a publicly funded health service'

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    Anna Donald on


    The summer witnessed another episode in the ongoing ‘rationing’ saga about NHS provision of the Alzheimer drugs rivastigmine, donepezil, and galantamine. The High Court upheld the substance of NICE’s guidance, which means that these drugs continue to be recommended only for people with ‘moderate’ Alzheimer’s. In my line of business, ...

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    Looky likey


    Professor Sir Bruce Keogh; KBE, new NHS medical director, distinguished heart surgeon, president of the Society for Cardiothoraic Surgery and so on. But never mind all that - what End Game wants to know is, do readers not agree that Professor Sir Bruce is the spitting image of that maestro ...

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    Weird world health


    Readers, are those days of restructuring still fresh in your mind? Are the wounds still fresh or has the healing begun?Well until today (20 September) you get at least one small chance to express your opinions on the difference it has made to you and your job. Thanks again to ...

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    All Our Yesterdays


    September 19, 1941, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewThe potential positive impacts on children of being evacuated were discussed this week. Changes in behaviour had already been noted.‘It is not the country children who imitate those from the town but the other way about. Evacuated boys have often ...

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    David Woodhead on community hooks


    'New research seeks to assess the importance of incidental people in our lives - the local taxi driver, the neighbour who gives out hymn books at church or the shopkeeper who engages us in trivial conversation'

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    Michael White on sheepish politics


    'Lib Dem MP Norman Lamb found himself uncomfortable with the party's hostility to NHS choice'

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    Media Watch: immigrants in the news


    'Immigrants with cancer 'could swamp the NHS',' read The Daily Mail's headline. It quoted Lancet Oncology editor David Collingridge, who said so many East European migrants have arrived in Britain in recent years that the NHS may struggle to cope with the subsequent rise in cancer patients.

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    SHA shrinkage drives questions on the future of a regional role


    'The greatest concern is that SHA shrinkage is outstripping the growth in capacity and expertise among PCTs'

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    SHA shrinkage drives questions on the future of a regional role


    'The greatest concern is that SHA shrinkage is outstripping the growth in capacity and expertise among PCTs'

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    Emma Dent gets wheels


    'Traffic? If said reader is disturbed by the traffic in Lancaster they had better never come to HSJ towers, where it frequently feels like we are perched on the edge of the M1'

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    Bring community medics in from the cold


    'The culture shock of moving from the intensity of a hospital to community work is profound'

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    Bring community medics in from the cold


    'The culture shock of moving from the intensity of a hospital to community work is profound'

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on aspiring to good service


    'Complex systems and difficult interfaces - isn't that supposed to be us?'

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    Phil Kenmore on Agenda for Change


    With a lack of focus on underlying behaviours, Agenda for Change cannot deliver long-term results, says Phil Kenmore

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    Weird world health


    It’s official(ish)…more NHS Networks pollsters have better things to do with their time than indulge in Facebook or MySpace frivolities, with just over 40 per cent eschewing either. The poll also showed that 13 per cent actually have both set ups, but slightly more, 14 per cent, confess to being ...

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    David Peat on sharing good practice


    'Our European health colleagues listened intently as I told them how our working together principles operated'

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    Review of Modernising Medical Careers was handled properly


    The Department of Health has been transparent throughout Professor Neil Douglas's review of Modernising Medical Careers and the Medical Training Application Service, says health minister Ben Bradshaw

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    Shak Gohir on new media


    A deep-vein thrombosis diagnosis project is part of the new generation of high-quality medical information, say Shak Gohir and Eve Knight

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    Paul Robinson on double standards


    'Both the independent sector and the NHS collect data - but different items for different purposes, making direct comparisons virtually impossible'