All Comment articles – Page 295

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    Emma Dent


    Warm autumns that fool plants into thinking it is spring, daffodils flowering in February, bears that refuse to hibernate because it is not cold enough.

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    Neil Goodwin on the principles of success


    'Organisations that do not have a culture in which open discussion is encouraged will bury their mistakes and not learn from them'

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    Your Humble Servant: do as I say


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Do as I say not as I doDear DonI gather your factfinding summer visit to South Africa with Mrs Wise and the children went well. Your thoughts on ambulance response times on safari have given our colleagues down there much ...

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    High Court drugs ruling marks latest skirmish in war of words


    The High Court ruling upholding the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's decision over medication for Alzheimer's is just the latest skirmish in what promises to be protracted manoeuvring over drug use and pricing.

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.

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    Anna Donald on drugs in the headlines


    'Given the avalanche of research and new products, it is not surprising that the 'best buy' list of products keeps changing'

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...

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    Ex-offenders should not be excluded from volunteering


    As the national volunteering development agency, we were very alarmed by the tone of the article 'Criminal checks fail to exclude staff' (news, page 7, 2 August), and the related editorial in a recent issue of HSJ. There appeared to be little understanding of vetting procedures, Criminal Record Bureau guidelines ...

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    An ode to the Daily Mail?


    Michael White's 800-word bansturbation (opinion, page 10, 26 July) to the thought of stricter discipline and control of drugs, drinking, gambling and advertising included a stout defence of the Daily Mail. Will HSJ soon have a Daily Mail editor as its political columnist?Rory Meakin is patient safety co-ordinator at Camden ...

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    Hospital closure is not an option


    This letter is in response to 'Super kids in bid to save hospital' (news, page 6, 2 August).The article states: 'Closing the [Royal Surrey] hospital is one of a number of options being considered by NHS South East Coast.' This is not true.Surrey primary care trust has been publicly discussing ...

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    Ex-offenders should not be excluded from volunteering


    As the national volunteering development agency, we were very alarmed by the tone of the article 'Criminal checks fail to exclude staff', and the related editorial in a recent issue of HSJ. There appeared to be little understanding of vetting procedures, Criminal Record Bureau guidelines or accepted good practice in ...

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    An ode to the Daily Mail?


    Michael White's 800-word bansturbation (opinion, page 10, 26 July) to the thought of stricter discipline and control of drugs, drinking, gambling and advertising included a stout defence of the Daily Mail. Will HSJ soon have a Daily Mail editor as its political columnist?

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    Peter Crutchfield on the end-of-life experience


    'If there is any such thing as a good death, I believe John had one. It was a very special experience for him to be able to stay at home with us until the end'

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    Hospital closure is not an option


    This letter is in response to.'Super kids in bid to save hospital' (news, page 6, 2 August).

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    Peter Crutchfield on the end-of-life experience


    'If there is any such thing as a good death, I believe John had one. It was a very special experience for him to be able to stay at home with us until the end'

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    Emma Dent


    I have told readers before that I cannot ride a bike. This is a piece of information that never fails to attract shrieks of disbelief from friends, colleagues and acquaintances far more at home on two wheels than I am. I should add that I can't drive either. I do ...

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    Darzi takes the blows as review develops


    'Darzi says his rapid consultations around the country, as he prepares his interim report for October's comprehensive spending review, demonstrate widespread support for the current direction of reform'

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    Established GPs prepare to feel the heat of big business


    'Running a practice may not be a huge money-spinner for commercial firms, but the rewards from a greater role in commissioning could be considerable'

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    David Baker on the maze of choice


    While a.wider choice of services is a good thing.for patient care, the public needs more guidance on where to go for non-emergency urgent care, says David Baker.

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    Andrew Jones on which way now?


    'I assume in chess terms the ploy was to bewilder the electorate and most senior managers into second guessing the next steps. I have no hidden insights at this point but then I am told the Brown team didn't have many either'