All Comment articles – Page 296

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    The public needs reassurance that it is in the safest hands


    'Such big jumps need analysis. Are employers becoming more lax in their approach? Or is it just a statistical anomaly?'

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    Your Humble Servant: domestic inspection


    ‘The terror of arbitrary censure and pointless planning is taking its toll’

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    Target-driven department is off the mark


    'Reforming the DoH to make it an effective and respected department is an important step on the road to rebuilding NHS confidence in the government'

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    Neil Goodwin on the importance of partnerships


    'With the little wisdom, insight and maturity that I hope I have developed with age and experience, I am able to confess that some inter-organisational relationships suffered as I pursued system-wide strategic change'

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    Dr Maire Smith on nurturing innovation


    'NHS staff have a wealth of ideas and a number of these could be translated into tangible benefits, not only for the patient, but also for the organisation'

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    Carers must be treated with dignity


    Lord Darzi has been asked by the health review the main challenges facing the NHS, including ensuring that care for people with long-term conditions is joined-up, patient focused, offers best value and is delivered with dignity in the best location for each patient, which for many will be their ...

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    Emma Dent


    'With the ludicrous amount of NHS reorganisation and reconfiguration last year, either the mighty Binley's gave up, or simply stopped sending them to HSJ'

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    Protecting public and patient involvement


    The blind drive to force the introduction of local involvement networks and abolish patient and public involvement forums is dangerous and misguided.

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    Hilary Thomas on trust and safety


    'Imagine hearing: 'This is your junior pilot speaking. I have no particular interest in your safety.''

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    Your Humble Servant: London SHA


    ‘They’ve come up with a whizzo plan to keep Londoners happy. They are going to build lots more hospitals. At the moment they are calling them polyclinics, but that’ll change’

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    It's a question of trust: will the new ministers devolve power?


    'Central control is a far more natural response from Brown than trusting local freedom and competition'

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    Ringfencing is only a short-term cash fix


    'Local flexibility is a principle that needs defending. Ringfencing is only convenient so long as the political wind is blowing in your direction'

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    David Peat on letting go


    'As soon as the SS Rest and Relaxation draws near another port, you can see groups of slightly anxious-looking passengers veering to the landward side of the vessel and proclaiming: 'Houston, we have a signal!''

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    Richard Morgan and Allison Thorpe on social marketing


    'Social marketing recognises that, all things being equal, people will choose behaviours that keep them in good health. But all things are rarely equal; most people have to make choices and compromises'

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    Emma Dent


    'Negotiations continue on the purchase of flowery sofas and the use of pink paint on the walls'

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    Paul Cooper on emergency ward nine and a half


    'Our local doctor is as good as anyone else's, I suppose, although I don't really know that as I have little choice'

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    Lisa Rodrigues on managing change


    'Some people think the quiet revolution in mental health, with the closure of the asylums and the introduction of community care alternatives, is a model for the rest of the NHS. But I am the first to admit that we did not.always get it right'

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    Join a study on cancer and insurance


    Have you recovered from cancer but still have trouble getting travel insurance? Were you quoted an excessive premium or treated insensitively? If so, we would like to invite you to take part in our research.

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    Your Humble Servant: rave with Dave


    ‘It must be what the Baghdad Green Zone is like, hermetically sealed and full of the commentariat issuing orders devoid of any sense of reality’