All Comment articles – Page 298

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    Emma Dent


    'Little about this environment helps relieve the stress staff and parents are under'

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    Independent treatment centre move redefines choice


    'The DoH appears to be considering pushing PCTs to use independent sector treatment centres.- even to the extent of trying to steer patient choice'

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    Bear the burden of getting care just right


    As patients demand more, it is vital to control variation while preserving truly personalised delivery, argue Geraint Lewis and Phyllis Shelton

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    The role of individual responsibility


    The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has stressed.that joint working should be the first, not the last, option considered by local authorities and primary care trusts.

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    David Peat on fitness for purpose


    'Fitness for purpose has given us intelligence, new understandings and insights into the changing role of being a fully fledged commissioner in the new NHS. It has.helped us respond to the new realities and changes that have taken place in our relationships in and outside the NHS'

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    Your Humble Servant: future imperfect


    ‘MRSA is discovered to have hidden properties which eliminate the H5N1 avian flu virus and patients now choose hospitals with high bacteraemia rates’

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    Ofcare: 'Ambitions and metrics' mark launch of a new regulatory era


    'Ofcare's performance framework commences with mea culpa, admitting what healthcare professionals have been telling the Department of Health for years - top-down targets undermine innovation, motivation and accountability to communities'

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    Neil Goodwin on public service reform


    'If there is one lesson to be learnt.from the past 10 years, it is to pay much more attention to implementing change. Far better to implement half-a-dozen change strategies effectively than to fire off a dozen in a scattergun way, hoping some will hit the mark'

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    Emma Dent's Malawi diary


    When HSJ senior features writer Emma Dent was asked to join an Oxfam and Unison delegation to poverty-stricken Malawi, she got a lot more than she bargained. Read her day-by-day account of the trip here.

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    Emma Dent


    'Malawi has.only 700 healthcare workers for the whole country. One nurse can be in charge of 100 patients in rural clinics. It has the third worst maternal mortality rate in the world. Not even disposable gloves are available.'

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    Mike Cooke on succession planning


    'I came back with gusto, lungs full, laptop (and pencil) poised and with best away-visit intentions started with my job. I am delighted to say we did fill my job with a great internal candidate'

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    Deborah O'Dea on coping with change


    'Change is no less difficult when our intentions are absolutely right and serving patients' best interests.'.

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    Micheal White on Maggie's handbag and other stories


    Thirty years after filing his first column, HSJ political commentator Michael White looks back at how the landscape has changed

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    Your Humble Servant: dead man walking


    ‘It’s difficult to know who to ingratiate yourself with, which policies might survive and which we should backpedal on.’

  • Gordon Brown

    Brown finally begins to reveal his blueprint for health reform


    As the surreal spectacle of Gordon Brown campaigning for victory in a contest he has already won continues, his interviews and speeches are finally shedding light on his health policies.

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    Delayed discharge brought back in focus


    Bed blocking is back and, at least in mental health, it is joint working with social care teams where the most effort needs to be applied.

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    Andrew Jones on independence day


    'The conundrum is simply how to devolve day-to-day responsibility to an independent board with the benefits of efficient delivery, local decisions and avoidance of political interference'

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    Dr Nick Griffin on clinical input in the development of HRG4


    In 2002, the Department of Health developed a policy to fund healthcare by a national tariff applied to patient level activity. This policy, payment by results, required a new currency for the grouping of activity.

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    Emma Dent


    'I have never had such a strong reaction as I did when I told people I was visiting the high-secure former special hospital Broadmoor.'

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    Commissioning: Practices may need a fairy godmother to make PBC work


    Practice-based commissioning is the 'Cinderella' policy reform of the NHS.