All Comment articles – Page 299

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    Back innovation and good judgement in primary care


    Primary care trusts.are bound to weigh proposals fairly, but they cannot be compelled by entrepreneurs to make reckless decisions.

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    David Woodhead on the qualities of commissioners


    'Driving change in numerous organisations demands particular skills. We no longer spoke of what people needed to know, or what their qualifications might be, but of the qualities they had and how they approached their work'

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    The NHS is far from 'saved'


    I am astonished to see your comment piece claiming current policies have 'saved the NHS'. It certainly doesn't seem like it to me or any of my colleagues, and I wonder which planet the author has been on.

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    PBC needs to look at the big picture


    In response to Simon Stevens' article on practice-based commissioning (opinion, page 17, 3 May), PBC has to be for all practices. If nothing else, PBC is about raising the eyes of GPs and practice management to understand the wider commissioning impact of their actions.

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    Bed-blocking does not tell the full story


    I read the article on bed-blocking with interest as my mother has been a patient in a foundation trust in the North West for nearly six months following a severe stoke.

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    Louis Appleby on reaching out to BME communities


    'The term Positive Steps is an important one. The words and the actions coming from services must be positive. There is only so long that we can talk about the problem before talking about it gets in the way of tackling it.'

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    Your Humble Servant: the NHS Regatta


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

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    1997 and all that: Blair remembered


    The NHS has transformed remarkably since Tony Blair entered Number 10 in May 1997, reinvigorating a struggling monolith with record investment.

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    Media Watch


    'Don't play god' The Sun protested last week as it quoted campaigners warning that abortions 'will soar' if parents are allowed to use a 'revolutionary' home test that can reveal the sex of their baby at six weeks.

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    David Nicholson on service transformation


    'We can only deliver genuine transformation of health care services if our staff understand what we are trying to do'

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    David Peat on Life on Mars (NHS-style)


    'Much has been achieved in medicine and health, yet we have major issues surrounding obesity, alcohol abuse, sexual behaviour and drugs. We can't moralise, but some of the difficulties of 1970s society have morphed into new and sometimes exaggerated forms'

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    Emma Dent


    Last week was a trip down memory lane. For the first time in nearly 20 years I found myself at the site of the hospital where both my parents worked.

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    David Moon on resource efficiency in construction projects


    Over the past few years, trusts have placed growing pressure on contractors to improve their sustainability credentials and significant progress towards setting minimum requirements for recycled content in the health sector has already been made.

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    Nick Summerton and colleagues on what topics should NICE consider


    Last September NICE took over the topic suggestion and selection process from the Department of Health. Six months on it is clear that the new processes are working: topics are being collected, sifted, and prioritised speedily.

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    Report ignores Queen Mary's progress


    I object to the description of Queen Mary's Sidcup trust as a 'struggling' organisation. In fact, we are an example of a hugely successful turnaround

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    'Top up' fees not 'equitable' funding system


    The Doctors for Reform study published yesterday argues - through the use of only 20 case studies - that more patients are paying 'top-up' fees and that 'the fundamental NHS principle - that care should be universally and equitably available ' no longer applies'.

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    Mortality rate calculations are 'highly inappropriate and contentious'


    Anyone picking up last week's Daily Telegraph will have seen the shock-horror headline on hospital mortality rates. This was typical media hype that did nothing to assist the discussion about encouraging improvement in the NHS, nor how we reduce inequalities across the country.

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    Your Humble Servant: musical chairs


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

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    The figures are standardised, but the care certainly is not


    Research published by Dr Foster this week shows unequivocally that addressing the problem of variation in quality is one of the biggest priorities facing the service this year (see news, page 7).

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    PCTs already share local service knowledge


    I was saddened on reading your article 'PCTs criticised for lacking local service knowledge', (News, p13, 26 April) as it makes no mention at all of PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Services).