All Comment articles – Page 300

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    In defence of Whipps Cross trust


    I take issue with the accuracy and comment made in your article on the DoH 'hit-list' of trusts that cannot survive under payment by results (news, page 5, 19 April).

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    Responsibility for tackling violence lies with all of us


    I found your article on violence in the NHS (16 April) excellent and refreshing. I work as a local security management specialist in Dorset and agree that tackling violence and crime in the NHS is a multi-agency task.

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    Patient safety: err on the side of caution


    I wish to add a mental health service perspective to the debate prompted by Frank Burns' insightful article 'Name of the game is not no blame' and his challenging assertions (opinion, p16, 12 April)..

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    Social marketing: a view from the front


    Social marketing seems to be a confusing term that actually means both understanding people and keeping their needs at the fulcrum of all organisational activity.

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    It's up to executive teams to champion productive wards


    Do ward staff need the encouragement and support of their executive team to get on and make changes to improve everyday processes?

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    Time to draw a line under Granger era


    The national programme for IT is reeling from its most damning verdict yet - this week's report from the Commons public accounts committee that condemns uncertainty over the schedule of implementation and value for money (see news, page 9).

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    Emma Dent


    'Are managers walking round with clipboards counting smiles and small talk exchanges?'

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    Helen Rowntree on using patient safety indicators


    The past few months have seen the beginnings of a shift in the prevailing NHS wisdom about patient safety and how best to promote and improve it. The emphasis is moving firmly towards greater openness and accountability - a point well made by Frank Burns in his recent HSJ piece ...

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    Ideas man


    I was pleased to read Andrew Castle's article on listening to ideas as I know about the culture at Toyota from my current masters course in public administration.

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    In defence of primary care data


    Although I am usually a fan of Alan Maynard (HSJ Intelligence supplement, page 8, 15 March).his assertion that 'primary care is still largely a data-free domain' is clearly tosh. NHS primary care probably has the best primary care information in the world.

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    David Woodhead on social marketing


    'It is naive to suggest that the effectiveness of interventions alone is the only issue we face in seeking to change behaviour. There are wider challenges in terms of respecting diversity and ensuring our work is culturally appropriate'

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    Jasbir Sunner on academic health science centres


    Our vision and strategy for an AHSC, strongly supported by clinicians, bodes well for the future of hospital services in north west London

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    Your Humble Servant: home births


    To: Don Wise, chief executive

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    Patient safety: Avoiding blame will not remove danger


    Is the desire to establish a 'no blame' culture around patient safety becoming dangerously close to being seen as an end in itself rather than as a necessary aid to progress?

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    Why the talking cure can help ease the reconfiguration blues


    A list is circulating - despite Department of Health denials - of 18 trusts that have been deemed unviable in their present form and on which strategic health authorities will be acting. There will probably be few surprises in the names and no surprise that major restructuring of acute services ...

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    Andrew Jones on aligning incentives


    'After a few cycles in the policy washing machine, you would have thought we would all have come out looking the same colour and trying to iron out the same creases'

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    Adrian Ashurst on making a real difference


    'In order to make a real difference, managers and staff need to make a personal commitment to their customers. It is worth remembering that we are all customers - we should be prepared to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.'

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    Whitehall shake-out rumbles more change


    'The DoH will not comment on whether posts such as director-general of commissioning will disappear rather than be filled, but is it likely that much of the spate of high-profile leavers, so far and to come, is part of a coming restructuring.'

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    Pioneers race on but progress is measured by the backmarkers


    'It is notable that not one of the 13 early achiever sites comes from NHS London or NHS East of England'

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    Primary care: what will improve discharge summaries?


    GPs are complaining this week that they are 'plagued by delays' and errors in the quality of discharge summaries many of them are sent by hospitals (see news story). According to an NHS Alliance survey, almost 60 per cent say clinical care has been compromised as a result and almost ...