All Comment articles – Page 305

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    Speak Out


    The drive for private involvement in the NHS ignores the fundamental principles of healthcare

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    Speak out


    The IPPR's Joe Farrington-Douglas says private companies may be able to give valuable support to commissioners - but decisions about who gets what healthcare must remain public and accountable

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    Noel Pumridge on workforce planning


    Or, in simple terms, why should the NHS pay a nurse in Workington almost as much as a nurse in Wimbledon? She'll only fritter it away anyway.

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    Mike White on politics


    'Handy Andy Burnham urges respect for NICE's independent experts and insists that complementary medicines (another regular bugbear) must be a matter for 'local determination'.'

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    Michael White on politics


    'I do not think the Walsall trio, all nice chaps, will mind if I describe them as the Old Codgers, rather than the Three Musketeers'

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    Michael White on politics


    'The charges problem boils down to a classic dilemma of democratic politics in a market-orientated society'

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    Michael White on politics


    'There's no point replacing meddling by national politicians with meddling by local ones.'

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    Michael White on politics


    'The McElephant in the corner, of course, is devolved Scotland, where personal care is free'

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    Michael White on politics


    In Oz there is tension over the public sector losing out in budget tussles with private-sector providers

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    Michael White on politics


    'It would have taken a chainsaw to separate Ms Hewitt from the job, despite everything'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Insiders already knew that the cash figure which health officials cite includes local IT costs which replace existing local IT costs'

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    Michael White on politics


    My conclusion, Watson, is that it is what street urchins call a cock-up, not a conspiracy

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    Michael White on politics


    The end of the road for Blair

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    Michael White on politics


    'Some Labour MPs suspect the NHS could have run more such centres just as well'

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    Michael White on the Welsh NHS


    Have we discussed the Welsh NHS lately? I thought not. But prescription charges are to be abolished in the principality on April 1, a month ahead of the Welsh Assembly elections and the day before Wales's new pub smoking ban starts.

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    Michael White on politics


    Halfway through the Queen's Speech debate's NHS segment, Judy Mallaber, former Unison researcher and now Labour MP for Amber Valley, shamed us all by diverting from local UK problems to those of the Democratic Republic of the Congo whose recent elections the MP had helped to monitor for fairness.

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    Michael White on the pay round


    'The tough pay round is a blatant 'clawback' and I don't think doctors can expect much sympathy'

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    Michael White on politics


    I spoke to Lord Hunt at the weekend, probably for the first time since he returned to government via the Department for Work and Pensions after resigning with quiet dignity over the Iraq war in 2003.

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    Michael White on Politics


    Many Scots assume an SNP-led team would have to modify policies in the face of harsh realities

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    Michael White on Politics


    I think Hewitt will leave the DoH, not something I would have confidently stated a. month ago