All Comment articles – Page 310

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    Media Watch: doctor MoTs


    If you'd just open the bonnet now, Dr Cameron, and we'll be through with your MoT for another five years. Before you know it, young Dr Finlay will be up for his MoT too.

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    Simon Stevens on a summer of discontent


    'So as we head into TUC and party conference season, by comparison things actually look pretty tame here. Part of the problem is the way international health comparisons are used - and abused.'

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    Emma Dent


    If everyone went to a particular hospital for certain procedures, others would not be able to

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    Emma Dent on the dreaded lurgy


    I have written before about my non-scientfic diagnosis of this condition, where tired bodies succumb to bugs and germs. I think it might be a sign that I should take a holiday

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    Michael White on the 'demise' of nursing


    Sometimes the political weather seems to follow the climatic version. So it was no surprise during the snow to read a mild-mannered press release about training patterns under the lurid headline that we face 'the demise of nursing' in Britain.

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    In defence of e-patient records


    It hasn't been often over the last few years that I have found myself agreeing with ITRichard Granger (News, 3 May) but here here!

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    Managers must dig deep for new skill set


    Overcoming complex NHS management challenges - insularity, short-termism and a sometimes crippling hierarchy - will require major changes to the way managers operate, argues Nigel Edwards

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    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

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    Michael White: parliamentary deadlock


    'Parliament is deadlocked on serious issues that may end up in a 'ping pong' test of wills'

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    A different kind of day at the office


    The HSJChallenge offers managers the opportunity to escape their day jobs and pit their wits against their peers in a in a multi-agency health economy with more than its fair share of problems. The good news is that it's not for real. ...

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    David Woodhead on public health


    'Vicky was patronised by health professionals unwilling to listen to her views or take note of her experiences'

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    How doctors learned to stop worrying and love data


    The NHS has never lacked information, but, says Dr Foster Intelligence's Tim Kelsey, only now are managers and clinicians harnessing its power to change services. Public access is the next big challenge

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    Noel Plumridge on the cost of a day's work


    'Calculate your daily rate. Say it out loud. 'I'm a £500 a day sort of guy''

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    Noel Plumridge on the non-exec conundrum


    'How can one challenge yet remain part of the team? That's the non-executive dilemma'

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    Michael White on consultants


    Chairing a session at a recent Unison conference on the future of the NHS I chided Clive Efford, Labour MP for Eltham in south London, after he had cheerfully abused consultants. I think the word he used was 'spivs', unaware that the room was full of them, including the nice ...

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    Media Watch: drug company's promise


    This week comes news that a drug firm has offered to refund the cost of one of its products to the NHS if it fails to work on patients.

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    Listen and learn: keys to good commissioning


    How does accountability to patients and the public fit into the commissioning framework, asks David Colin-Thome. Below, Tim Gilling outlines the 10 areas essential to effective scrutiny

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    Healthcare inspection comes under scrutiny of its own


    'Numbers do not impart wisdom in themselves, you have to learn how to select and use them'

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    Clinicians and trust


    Katzenbach is close (Anna Donald, Opinion, 8th March), but Onora O' Neill is closer. Her Reith lectures in 2002, 'A Question of Trust', pointed not to a crisis of trust but to a pervading culture of suspicion, directed particularly at the professions.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on clinical engagement


    'A meeting of minds gets enormous impetus when the fog of data is converted into information'